
@andrew11: That just so happens to be the attorney mentioned in the article.

@vlatro: I see your point, but that's still no excuse. The problem in your story wasn't the photos, not by a long shot, but the piss-poor judgement of the officer's peers.

I enjoy consoles just as much as the next guy (or girl), but PC gaming will always have my heart.

@axiomatic: I think the "no brainer" would be to play on a PC in the first place, rather than an XBox.

Nice, but the only thing that would have made this article relevant to my interests is if Lifehacker actually offered examples of where to get high-quality eye-wear for a reasonable price.

My first lens: a 58mm Rokkor f/1.4

@wjglenn: I see nothing wrong with that.

@Marcus Cadwell: In general, you might be right... but then again, my TV is considerably bigger than a 15-inch.

Mmmm. Cardiac arrest in a can.

@ploopsy: I never quite understood why the cyborgs would destroy all of the buildings... except for the one housing the cryogenics lab. Did they just 'miss a spot'?

@iamjames: The last thing a photographer wants is a poorly designed phone cluttering up the camera.

This will undoubtedly happen to me some day.

@OMG! Twitter!!: Answer: Yes. The chart is flawed and incomplete.

@ThatsNotPudding: I can see where hail storms would be a problem for home-owners with solar panel-laden roofs. Fortunately for me, it never hails where I live. Unfortunately for me, hurricanes are an issue. C'est la vie.

Skitch? I'm sorry, but any program that dedicates itself solely to capturing and editing screenshots is dubbed bloatware in my book. Windows fix: PrtSc, then paste and edit in the proper application (Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.NET, or even MSpaint).

@cwebb: "Why do you think in this "I'm way to advanced for print, why is it around?" mentality. " - Wait, what? It started off as a question, but hit a dead end.

@Neimo: "If such a film came out in the USA and also exposed the meat had dangerous levels of heavy metals in it, yes most Americans would stop eating it..." - Unfortunately, no. No they would not stop eating it. Case in point: fast food. Dangerous levels of fats, cholesterols, and calories. Everyone knows it.

@Span_Wolf: He could have acquired qualifications for working with the mentally disabled.