Reno is from an adventure, which was single player content which you could also buy for gold
Reno is from an adventure, which was single player content which you could also buy for gold
The biggest buttholes make the most noise.
I don’t know what it is... but since the Wiimote I haven’t been able to use motion control for shit. It’s like the recticle/pointer end gave me better spatial reference.
I watched the first one of that, I need to watch more
Aho-girl feels like a weak recommendation due to its length, but it’s hilarious.
The women have a decent claim of being worried by his presence and I’m not sure Smash should lower themselves to the same Ethics levels as the Dallas Cowboys >_> personally I think he should be allowed to compete but he should be monitored carefully. Let him earn more leniency through continued good behavior.
I actually watch both their channels regularly.
Join PoGo Facebook groups and make friends. It’s the best way to do this stuff
There is at least ONE confirmed transformation so far, as Frieza has a Golden Form transformation.
I think starting with something serious is a great way. There are so many people who assume the entire genre is just kid stuff.
Maximillian Dood has a great YouTube and Twitch channel where he streams a lot of games.
Die Forever!
I get this language but not this reference...:
I think it’s interesting, they’ve definitely been steering Tony towards being the asshole he is supposed to be. A selfish man child trying to cleanse his demons by playing Hero.
I think it’s interesting, they’ve definitely been steering Tony towards being the asshole he is supposed to be. A selfish man child trying to cleanse his demons by playing Hero.
I don’t know about that... out of the 18 or so meta decks right now what... 3 of them are fast aggro?
The hype cycle begins anew...
Wonder scale does miraculous things