Phoenix Knight Nova

I’m sure the numbers are skewed based on sample size but I would also still imagine there is plenty of people who think it is wrong but also don’t actively try to ruin people’s life over it as well.

I totally missed this and will now have to wait two months for these mega stones

Of course there is lesbian night elves...

Nope that’s what it is

It might not be too powerful but it sure is boring to play against.

They aren’t going to nerf that deck, sure it does feel shit to lose to it, but it’s got a pretty low win rate.

On the description on the website it specifically says it Metal Gear 2.

Maybe two... were both the first games in Zanzibar land?


There is an NFC point on the pro controller?! Where!?

Seems like he stands behind what he did but he learned some perspective on what other people wanted.

Stop picking on Sweet Old Miyamoto :(.We have to continue treasuring him whilst we still have him with us.

That’s not too bad, it’s okay buddy

I do think too much jerking can get you used to having things a certain way. So since my love life changed I have diminished that.

What they are doing is embarrassing Capcom.

Day 9 is a funny dude on stream, I wonder if they expect these guys to be able to wing good shit out of nowhere or if they write them a half decent script?

I kinda feel like Alyson Court is a better story >_>

You forgot:

3ds games always look better in your hands then they do on YouTube anyway.

The first Dino didn’t have the Stache, but when they showed it in the gameplay if you look at his nose he totally has it.