
More like 10 out of 16,239. I’ll give this a pass, much like the new Poltergeist and Vacation movies.

10 out of 465

So, are you saying it’s more deadly than working in a coal mine and going down down?

pretty easy? hardly. naysayers on this issue crack me up. dont work toward something if you cant do it on a global scale right out of the gate! [eye roll]

It’s still a proof of concept in real world application. And that’s a big deal

Less coal will kill the politician’s job, as they won’t have the support money from the coal industry.

I laugh whenever a politician says using less coal will kill jobs, as if you can’t create jobs in other energy sectors.

Yeah, in my unscientific anecdotal experience, bag fees have resulted in:

It’s closer to $70 USD.

Maybe don’t mock someone’s intelligence with a currency conversion error. People might come away thinking you’re an idiot.

Medical doctors are the only scientific profession that wears lab coats outside of the lab, as a status symbol. Lab coats are protective wear, nasty crap gets spilled on them. Walking around in a lab coats is like walking around still wearing the gloves you just used on a patients festering ulcer to open doors and

I prefer to exchange information by melting into a big pool of other people.

To quote the now age-old iPhone user complaint - if it looks the same, how will people know my phone is better than theirs? :/

The only winning move is not to play.

Pretty sure this is what happened to me that time I ate at Applebee's.

You can turn it back on once you jailbreak

Personally I think the Xbox controllers have always been the best. I think they’re a lot more ergonomic and comfortable than anything Sony’s made.

I like getting trailers for other HBO shows on HBO Go. I see no reason why I wouldn’t like getting trailers for other Netflix programming either.

Yeah, I’d obviously prefer no ads, but native ads is much, much better than third party ads.