
@joshl: I use both since I can track treadmill runs easily with Nike+, but Runkeeper wins hands down IMO for outdoors. Able to submit runs in app w/o going to Safari, google maps, and more data available on your device. I also find that the Nike+ Sensor is often off on distance and needs to be re-calibrated at times.

I live in Knoxville and had a best friend that graduated from Webb. I can definitely attest that Webb making kids buy iPads was more about them maintaining their illusion as social elite, and less about effective, innovative education. A shame really... Well they made headlines and kids down the street at Catholic are

@Xagest: @Xagest: Gotcha... Yeah water in Knoxville, TN is pretty bad... I feel your pain. Oh well at least you won't suffer bone loss lol. My step dad used to use muriatic acid to clean rust off of tow chains. Wicked stuff!

@Xagest: Gotcha... Yeah water in Knoxville, TN is pretty bad... I feel your pain. Oh well at least you won't suffer bone loss :) My step dad used to use muriatic acid to clean rust off of tow chains. Wicked stuff!

@Xagest: What the hell is in your water that produces a ring that requires acid to remove is the question I'd be asking! :0

@Matt0505: Well the Dev-Team should have an unlock out shortly after the phone goes on sale...

Like the dual band Wi-fi, but 1230 mAh battery??? And the rest looks par for the course if this phone was coming out in the next month, not next fall :(

@CaffineFreakUs: I've been on the iPhone since 2007. No Bluetooth A2DP for over a year, no cut and paste, a lame camera with no flash and the MP wasn't really improved upon till the 3GS, no 3G in my original 2G etc. There's more that was behind the curve but you get the point. Some things were improved in OS updates

@Sloth: Thank and You! Been a while since I had to invoke the tag elimination power.

Love my iPhone 4, but can somebody remind me how to filter iPhone 4 coverage out of my Giz feed? Pleeeeeeeze?

@CaffineFreakUs: I have an iPhone 4 and am very happy, but your point is very solid and as soon as the Atrix or Infuse come out I will be all over it (I know still virtual keyboard, but bigger screen at least). Somewhere along the way after spending thousands of dollars on Apple products, Jobs REALLY pissed me off

With my jb iPhone MyWi works great, I don't pay xtra fees, and I can take calls. Win win for me. I have been extremely happy with AT&T in Knoxville and get great 3G speed and coverage. I went home for the holidays and had horrible coverage in Denver so I can see people switching, but I won't be one... for now.

@Arcane: No, Mama, the search continues.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: And money is the devil. Or wait is it women? I'll ask Mama Boucher.

@FriarNurgle: Hell indeed. I used to love Apple... Now Jobs hopping in bed with Murdoch proves he's in cahoots with the Devil himself.

@Tzalaf: I have a 10 second attention span. I read your whole post. Well thought out sir. My buddy who used to work for Northwest and I were just talking about how Israel approaches airline security and that we could learn a lot from them.

@jeff4: Their liquids policy is enforced by idiots. I had to throw away an expensive bottle of cologne on a flight right after the policy was enacted and I was unaware. Sure it was a 4 ounce bottle, but at half full I explained to TSA that I was well under the 3.4 ounce restriction. They replied by saying I had to