@Agrippa: IN... I'll go with Omega... Are we cliche yet? :)
@Agrippa: IN... I'll go with Omega... Are we cliche yet? :)
@Deckard: Yes but you knowingly buy a car equipped with the technology and tho possible I doubt most GM owners are being tracked by the government.... Or are they?
Loads noticeably faster so definitely worth updating. I know uploads can happen in the background now but any word on if the images/ vid are still compressed?
@Praben: Hayden Panettiere in Ron Browz "Pop Champagne"
@Korrupt: Can we get half naked women as pictures for more posts around here? I would be much more interested in 0's and 1's than I already am.
@gemcosta: Agreed. I continue to question city selection by Sprint and see it as a sign that they really don't have WiMAX built out enough to support very heavy usage. If I see it open up in Houston as they state above that might start to change my mind.
@BlackSmokeDMax: Yes Cydia is incredibly fast in the 4. Really impressed with this release. A few minor bugs but this is the easiest jb in a long time.
@NuevoLeon: Apple implemented a killswitch quite a while back to disable apps from the App store even after install. Flipping to on gives Apple the bird.
@Blackened: Didn't work but iphonedelivery.advinux.com/cydia/ did....
@schunniky: I know what you mean but here's one iPhone 4 owner that absolutely loves this Win 7 preview. I look forward to Microsoft bringing more innovation and competition to the table. Makes it a win win for all of us IMO.
@Tony Kaye: Listen, not a year goes by, not a year, that I don't hear about some escalator accident involving some bastard kid which could have easily been avoided had some parent - I don't care which one - but some parent conditioned him to fear and respect that escalator.
@fx57: I'd say that Apple fared far better from all the press and swirling speculation that was generated... Maybe a thank you note would have been nice:)
@trs: Agreed... Kick in my door and commandeer everything from my laptops down to my personal list of friends and business contacts and I'd have reason to take a jab or two.
@MazdaMania: Come on Mazda. This is the second time I've seen you have this problem.... Let's start a smuggling business!!!
How can I stay tuned? I touch my precious iPhone and all the bars go bye-bye!
@dragon:ONE: Correct... Still a little ways to go to get to the basement:/
@Teddy Ruxpin: Agreed. No flash next to the camera and that bumper is only blur.
@RuBBa_cHiKiN: North Gizmodo is Best Gizmodo: Yes but due to her new "overindulged" look she will be sporting in a few months, she'll be removed from the site and he'll be free to court the snake charmer.
@tundraboy: I would say millions and millions have been for quite a while.....
@msafiri: pwnage was updated over night to 4.01 if you'd like to go that route instead [blog.iphone-dev.org] however I'm not sure how or if it enables multitasking and backgrounds. I used redsn0w on the GM seed and my 3G runs just fine with both enabled for about 4 days now with only one 2 minute hang the other night.…