
Oh yeah, I think that is exactly what is going on. Because men are perceived as primarily sexual, there is no level to which a man cannot sink for sex. No matter what he does, if he gets sex(ual activity) out of it, he has won. But since women are perceived as sexual objects with no real sexual pleasure of their

Well, I mean, it doesn't really make up for it, because priests are allowed to advance up the hierarchy to become the actual decision-makers in the Catholic Church, and also they can serve masses, which is kind of important if you are Catholic.

That was at Slane in Ireland. There was a queue of men who got a blow job from her (allegedly). She was really drunk (so, consent issues) and not functioning too well, there were questions over her age (I think it turned out she was legal). also one photo showed one guy with arms aloft in champion stance while the

Since the Catholic Church is currently doing so well with its sexual morals without the women already? do they KNOW? What's to stop a bunch of uppity women from taking communion even while menstruating?

There is brilliance in that name, since the Republicans who are certainly going to oppose it are also supposed to be the family values party...I will enjoy seeing how they try to explain their opposition to this!

Wouldn't it be more fun to be a less obvious troll?

Pretty much this. There are plenty of men who find tights sexually arousing. I mean, I think a nice pair of opaques finishes an outfit nicely, but I've never looked at myself wearing a pair and though "Oooh, sexy." If there is an item of clothing that exists, someone's going to find it allurin'.

The weird thing is her actions does nothing to fight her or her husbands temptation. Her husband likes to look at women in tight pants, so her solution is to not wear tight pants? And somehow that's a moral decision in her marriage? Even if her goal is to not be viewed sexually by other men, she won't prevent it by

As per usual, completely agree with everything you said.


Ah, important point. More, even if I watch the later seasons. (After about season 6, likability goes down for the rest of the main cast.)

Is there any evidence that Jennifer Garner and Helen Hunt actually know each other? Because being a celebrity must be super awkward if any time you see another person who's famous, you have to go up all, "Heeeey! It's... you! And I'm... me! We both probably already know that?"

"'re someone's mother" is the new "Won't someone PLEASE think of the children! "

I keep seeing comments that are meant to shame her since she's a mother. I suffer from chronic depression, and it runs in my family. I'm actually the only woman alive in my family that suffers from it. I have been shamed multiple times by long term partners for having this very issue due to medications. I can't even

So because a commenter has been "starred" in the past, that means they are immune to saying dumbass shit in the future?

Now playing

Would you even be saying this if it were a man?

You've got a great point. Women shouldn't do anything provocative for fear of social repercussions of her children.

Dear Christie Blatchley,

Nothing this fuckstick or his parents say will ever matter, because the one person who matters in this scenario can't speak for herself ever again.