
Google would catch a ton of flack from app developers if they gave users a simple way to block apps on a per-permission level. The whole point of a number of free apps is to make money through advertising or by gathering information so they can stay ahead of their competition (location data would help apps like

That sandbox is how XPrivacy (the Xposed Module that does the same the AppOps does but with less chance of breaking any applications). XPrivacy feeds apps blank or randomized data instead of just no return. This makes it so that the app doesn't realize it's been locked out of the device's sensors or permissions, but

I don't mind the commercials, but what pisses me off to no end is the pop-up banner that decides to pop up right at around 10 seconds into a video... I'll have none of that. Also, with youtube's stated goal of allowing subscription-based channels, this problem will more than likely sort itself out for those content

Yes, sorry for not being more clear. is the site. On the top, select forum, and then search through for your specific phone version. It might me a bit of trouble, but rooting your phone and installing customing "roms" (variants of your phone created by developers/users) is a great way to increase

No worries, the more you know ;). In any case, keep an eye on your XDA forum, they've already dropped 4.4 for the GSM version of the gNex, so yours might not be far off...

... You can't just "Download 4.4" and put it on your phone anyways. In order for it to work on your phone you'll have to have a port that functions properly with your phone's radios/hardware/etc. In the process of building a port to work with your hardware, why wouldn't a developer include the keyboard?

My n5 is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, but I'm using Vanir on my gNex (Sprint variant). I guess I'll revert my phone back to CM and put it up on Swappa once my new toy gets here xD

If someone makes a port for that device, I'm sure they'll include the physical keyboard in the port...

Not for people with hardkeys. You're completely right with respect to softkeys, but how many phones actually use that.

It's not the easiest process in the world to make an OS work with all the different hardware in these phones. It's also tough because of how many different companies provide the parts for each phones. There's also a degree of testing and fine-tuning before they just drop an OS into the world.

Devs will get it out to users, if you're willing to root (with the new CM installer, it's REALLY simple). Also, there's a petition floating around g+ and elsewhere for Google to drop KitKat for the gNex.

Not sure where that's coming from.. According to Wikipedia (I know, i know, but in this case it's true...), the S3 came out in May of 2012... Just about 16 months ago. It's a huge fail, IMO, on the part of the manufacturers for not developing OS updates on their hardware. I don't blame Verizon or Sprint for these

You, my friend, need Voice+ by the CyanogenMod team...

True enough, they'll have to at some point. Especially with Google Hangouts working like that already, and without having to have the software(Google Docs) or the file (uploaded and edited directly from Google Drive).

I wish skype would make a more collaborative file sharing system. With it being owned by M$, you'd think they would tie the file into SkyDrive and let users make changes to the uploaded file at the same time, and make those changes viewable for everyone in the call, etc. There's SO much that could be better about

jbarr, just give it time and correct it whenever that kind of thing happens. It just takes a little while for Aviate to learn "you"...

You were the guy wearing blue, weren't you? ;P

It's not an evacuated tube. There's still a lot of air in the tube, but he's using that air to create the barrier between the car and the tube.

Helium backup beats Titanium, in my opinion.

Have they finally merged G+ messenger with Hangouts? Last I checked you wouldn't receive a G+ message unless it was sent through Hangouts, which really did nothing more than change the look/feel of Google Talk... I can't wait for Google Voice to integrate with Hangouts, either, even though Sprint makes life so much