
I have the Sprint Galaxy Nexus and my voice recognition is local if there's no 3g/4g/wifi nearby. Not sure what issues you're experiencing...

Do you mean the whole "chat head" thing? If so, I agree. There's nothing interesting about chat heads, especially when the same functions could be done using the notification shade. I do like the gesture based controls though, I just wish it fell in line with Jelly Bean's UI look better than a bunch of bubbles on a

In Google's defense (on the Nexus Q), they did give the Nexus Q to all the pre-orderers for free, instead of charging them. I'd say that's a good show that they either plan on working it up, or they'll just give up on the idea for a while and not harm the users any (since they didn't actually pay).

The designer labeled the video with "mug", not glass. You can't blame the writer of this article for using the same details as the product designer...

Lolwut.. Retinas don't have "MacBook Pro" on the bottom, also the entire inside of the lid is black, not white bordered. Also, the power button is an additional keyboard button, much like the MacBook Air..