It is not an unfamiliar sight to see surviving family members of slain soldiers solemnly applauded during a State…
It is not an unfamiliar sight to see surviving family members of slain soldiers solemnly applauded during a State…
Man, think of how much farther a DH would have hit that.
Hey, who's this new "Fernando Torres" guy, and what did you do with the one we've come to know and loathe? Also:…
BS: Lena, before we talk about that scene where Alison Williams is getting her ass motorboated in the kitchen, do you think the Celtics got enough for Jeff Green?
I was in the stands throwing popcorn.
New Orleans has objected, asserting that it's unreasonable to expect fans going abroad for one game to learn a second language.
"Sorry about that. Here, have some blankets..."
There is quite a bit of overlap between racists and people who have no idea how the Constitution works.
Plank makes a great point. If Silver had any sense of decency, he'd have brought down the hammer on Donte Stallworth a long time ago.
Completely agree that they botched this, but do you really think no one would have batted an eye if they said "we released him because he's a selfish dick" 30 minutes after the gang ties story? The Deadspin coverage would have (rightfully) been about how the Eagles smeared him to avoid looking like they cut him for…
That comment wasn't as offensive as the officiating. I say this with zero hyperbole...that was the worst officiated NCAA tourney game I've ever seen in my life.
is this at FGCU?