I would like to point out that Bionic Commando (one of my favorite games ever) is not a port of commando, but it's arcade sequel Bionic Commando. The rest seems accurate enough, also Thank You GRIN.
I would like to point out that Bionic Commando (one of my favorite games ever) is not a port of commando, but it's arcade sequel Bionic Commando. The rest seems accurate enough, also Thank You GRIN.
swapable thumbsticks in the game pad. the thought of replacing the entire pad when i wear out a stick is reason enough alone for me to never buy a wii u
Do like, would buy.
I just don't get it. That's gotta require special tires or something, and if so who the fuck is making them? And they are using regular tires don't they wear out in like a week?
I think donks are pretty ugly, but I think nowhere near as stupid as the stanced tires thing where the camber is so screwed up the tires are at like a 35 degree angle. I saw an NSX the other day that was so stanced you could eat off the wheels. It made me sad.
Mr. Fahey if you see a dark light crypt I will gladly pay retail plus shipping for one. Been looking over a year (late to the party) never seen one. Not paying $100
Wow that is one of the best Xzibit cosplays I have ever seen.
Toys are dying cause they are too damn expensive. for the good ones at least. the Masterpiece transformers are brilliant, but they cost 100-150 a pop off the shelf. Sorry, as much as I want that Soundwave I am not paying $150 for it. 69.99 would have been my limit for a ornate piece of plastic. if you cant get the…
That is just it, the product was extremely successful. people bought this game by the shipping container full, despite all the bugs. (and their were and are a ton.)
This is wrong, there is nothing sexy about the Bugatti. Its a ridiculously over powered engine stuffed into what is the ugliest supercar ever.
I want this to happen so bad, I don't know where Shenmue fits into my top 5 video games, but its in there along with PSO and Beyond Good and Evil (BTW where is my BG&E2?).
Woah woah woah, you should not be recommending that TV to anyone. I am not a huge Videophile but even I know not to drop money on that (or any 4k set yet). first of all the HDMI 2.0 standard is not finalized or implemented into ANY TV on the market yet. This thing is only pumping out 4k video at 30hz at best, and is…
wait wait, you took your 14 yr old, and the 10yr olds made you cringe? slap yourself, seriously. the content is no more appropriate for a 14 yr old (who probably has been cussing into a mic on MW2 since he was 10.) than it is for a 10 yr old.
Screw you Reggie, this is such mouth service... Bring DQ 10 to the US I will buy a Wii U on launch day. Until then, no dice. Don't say it unless you mean it. Make it happen Nintendo.
I like how no one talks about the blu-ray player feature. Yes that's right, if you don't have internet, you cannot watch blu-ray movies on the PS4... WTF
Actually you (and many others) misunderstand the Xbox 360 policy. Feature Parity means options, and content, including DLC. it has nothing to do with looking the same.
If this is true I will not be buying an Xbox One. I don't expect the XO to be "better" than the PS4, but it better damn well be just as good. 1080 vs 720 is alot, they would have completely skipped 1600x900 which means it could not even handle that? I only have an Xbox one pre-ordered currently, but I will cancel it…
Sounds like your into it to me.
In the authors defense, he meant now as in NOW, none of the cars shown here exist in any showroom any longer.