Let's not forget George Clooney in "The Return of the Killer Tomatoes." I know it was more than just a cameo, but that makes it even better/worse.
Let's not forget George Clooney in "The Return of the Killer Tomatoes." I know it was more than just a cameo, but that makes it even better/worse.
Despite his lack of popularity in the english speaking world, The french translation of "martians, go home" is one of these books that never goes out of print. In 2000, it was even one of the very first books to be published by the brand new Folio SF, right after they started their career by buying the back-catalogue…
If the numbers are written on a glass, you're standing inside, the light is coming from the outside and the shadow is on the floor, it should work.
I remember showing that small text to a friend who is a very fast reader.
I think it only works if the website is in english. I managed to see it on [google.be] but I had to change the "fr" into an "en" in the url since belgian version only give dutch, french and german as options.
I Remember seeing a shadow theater adaptation of these stories as a kid. The thing was also brodacated on belgian television in the 80s. That was quite... well... I can't really find words. Refreshing maybe? Or the oposite? I really don't know.
Absolutely right. you win. I want to live in that universe.
I'm trying to imagine the moth driven boats. But my mind keeps wandering. Do I want to live in the universe where they are the primary mean of transportation or not? I'm not entirely sure.
Not if Darth Vader is made of wood. Is Darth Vader made of wood ?
The acceleration of the processus is interesting, but there ca be several causes to it beyond authors not being influenced by older books.