
“The car above is probably closer to 2,500 but we won’t know for sure because there isn’t a dyno powerful enough to measure it.”

You’re not a “fucking idiot” Torch. The same cannot be said about the foaming at the mouth, “I’m right and you’re wrong,” mouth breathers who reply so vehemently to your articles on this subject. I’ve been a mechanic for over 40 years and every point you made in your article is correct and well thought out. I agree

Thank you Torch for this article and more information to add to my collection in the battle to prove it is better to warm up your car a bit. Please forgive the ignoramuses who reply negatively, for they know not that of which they speak...

You didn’t read the entire article, did you? You read the title and just knew you were smarter than Torch so you replied accordingly. Show everyone your full knowledge and experience on the subject at hand and maybe we will listen to you. (Probably not, but give it a whirl anyway...)

Will I someday have to give up the wrench? Maybe.


Raphael, If you are going to keep doing this sort of thing, get trained, get licensed and CCW all the time. The life you save may be your own.

Excellent move David! It’s nice to know that there are still people out there like you.

They don’t wear helmets anymore?

Looks more like the Acura pummeled the SUV to me?

Yeah, I was excited when I first heard they were bringing back the Ranger....then I saw what they now call a Ranger and that excitement fell out, hit the floor and rolled off into the floor drain. I guess I’ll just keep my 02 Ranger and keep rebuilding/repairing it as needed.

Awesome! I so much want to swap one of these into my 02 Ranger.

I did this once, my knuckle swelled way up and hurt like hell, I couldn’t move the finger for a week, the tie rod however, never moved....

This is what happens when you do something really stupid and then get really lucky right afterwards.

Awesome! I just love swaps like that.

One of the biggest reasons IMO is that automatics have gotten so much better and are even more efficient than even the best manual transmissions. If you want to shift yourself you can and I guess if you really miss it, you can install a spring loaded third pedal so you can pretend.....or not.

Why? Is it because shifting into neutral for short periods or pushing in a clutch is too hard and if you use the high gear a lot that’s bad?

Yes, but what is, is?

This all happened over 10 years ago and it was only talk between a few ignorant men. Offensive talk about sexually molesting a woman yes, but nevertheless just talk. I can see why it is being all blown out of proportion like it is too being election time, but it’s almost more offensive that the democrats and some

I think he is greatly underestimating mankind’s love affair with cars, especially owning their own cars.