Congrats to Truck Yeah! on the FULL LAUNCH!
Congrats to Truck Yeah! on the FULL LAUNCH!
Won't get stuck. Quattro. And will actually go around a corner unlike your shitty vehicle with suspension from the 1940s.
Good grief, the majority of those need some tuning.
Road Rangers everywhere, support your sentiments!
That's just stupid, there CANNOT be a good explanation for the waste of this destruction???
I wonder if the the local PD would like to have a talk with this moron?
I may be able to help you with selling it.
Interesting comparison.
Aha! Something we can agree on by your own admission.
No, I am sorry, but you are wrong. However I did make a mistake. I left out "continuous" in front of "heavy amperage draw". You may get away with it for a short time, but not for long. Ultimately the choice is yours, you may get away with it for a little while and you may not.
That is not exactly true.
UPS truck crossed with a dentist's drill.
Fucks not given multiply exponentially, until you are well and truly fucked in the end.
I think the rabbit was gaining.
@Jalopnik of course.
Kind of like, "That's not a V8 chainsaw, THIS is a V8 chainsaw!"
NP, It's turdtastic!
NP! Project car heaven for sure.
Cool, I like the vid and vehicle sounds, but when they put music over them it just ruins it for me. I much prefer just the sounds of the highly modified and tuned engines.
Nice and speaking of truck dynos I like this one as well for the sounds and visuals.