
The perfect alarm clock, or nearly, is my Sony Dream Machine.

A racist, sexist, ignoramus with early-onset dementia gets elected President of the United States.

Frankly, the move away from Jedi/Republic = good, Sith/Empire = Bad, is the best thing that came out of Rogue One. Seeing the Rebels be selfish dicks, and seeing heroes working to topple the Empire from within is what made the movie, really.

Nor do I, may have to consult Selena Gomez


Update: I’ve been staring at that old newspaper photo on and off ever since that day last week - trying to will it into making some kind of sense. After posting this story, I felt like I had to look at it one more time. I just realized - that doll the little girl is holding? Is my doll, the one my aunt gave me.

The house where I grew up was pretty new - way newer than any of the other houses on the block. A typical one-story ranch house that you might see in any stretch of American suburbia. Likewise, all the furniture in the house was pretty par for the course. My room had a little-kid bed, a nightstand, a table and chairs

That embodies the spirit of America, though. If you look at how often the US government ignores rules (and this is no dig on any particular administration- it’s been standard practice for decades) then it should be no surprise that “whatever I think is best” is the only set of rules Cap plays by.

Questioning authority is one of the most American things you can do Jack!

“He’s my friend.”

Let’s treat innocent people like inhuman garbage while they’re at their most vulnerable and desperate to survive.

I’m pretty sure this is the same principle that string players use to tune their instruments. The 5th between the strings when perfectly tuned doesn’t create any kind of beat. However if off slighty you get this kind of effect.

Fantastic concept.

Let the woman have her quiet protest of reading. If she not actively trying to hurt people, let it go.

really? I mean I don’t understand how people don’t get it. Either we as men except that women can come up to our level and be cool with it or we admit that we want all the privelage and it makes us afraid that woman are trying to climb up on to the pier.

This b.s. about how rights need to TRULY equal is just a thinly

Atheism isn’t “I don’t believe in a god or gods,” it’s “I believe there is no god”

Too bad I can’t afford to live near where I work.

own it. don't wash your face for like two days