
I absolutely, with a fucking passion, hate people asking “But where are you really from?” I was born here motherfucker, so what if I have a last name that’s not the same as all of you boring fucks. You’re not being unique when asking that, you don’t actually care, you just want to have a label to put next to ‘other’

He didn’t just dumb it down, he added whole plots that were never in any book, completely destroyed the motivations of main characters and made it worse in every possible way. In order to chase some mythical larger audience.

Help me out here, about 90k people tested positive at the only lab that did the testing until not that long ago. And from there you get...450k cases? How?

Ironically, Darwin had some ideas about the chances of inherited diseases as several of his children were rather sickly. I think he wrote in a letter how he felt that perhaps having kids with a close family member was the cause.

According to Lee, Parker didn’t realize just how out of it her co-star was in that moment”

Everyone who bought D4 at all deserves what they got.

Cowboy Bebop is closer to thirty years old then I am. Why the fuck does it look so much better in terms of animation, art and design then this?

You got it backwards. Gaming sites like these label anything an ‘uproar’ or ‘outrage’ or stuff like that because that’s what gets clicks. It’s not gamers, it’s game ‘journalists’. Or, given the quality of writing, ai writers.

While the rest of your comment makes sense, the idea that gamers have always been logical is the most absurd thing I’ve heard all day.

I cancelled mine. Thanks for being spineless I guess.

Someone call the tech, the AI who writes these articles is broken.

I kinda feel bad for AI, having to write garbage like this.

While I always love death game stuff, I absolutely loathe this 3d shit. It just looks so incredibly ugly and cheap. Aijin as a story was amazing for example. But that animation style just ruined the whole thing.

They fired all the editors and replaced most of the writers with chatgpt. I think people have been complaining about the lack of editing on kotaku for over a decade now.

While it seems like a relatively safe ‘no comment’ kind of comment, if you combine this with his ‘make me a sandwhich’ remarks which he doubled down on, it just paints a picture of someone who just doesn’t think that much of women.

Both wrong and right but entirely an asshole.

I thought her first season was her strongest, which is saying something. That twist at the end of her second season soured me on the whole series. Jodie’s great. Her doctor is too. Her scripts are worse than what Capaldi had to work with.

I guess nobody wants to pay for publishers to jerk off on game ‘journalists’ any more.

Perfect time for a pricehike then...

Of course he’s a grifter... he’s fucking royalty. Grifting is their whole deal. Well, besides genocide, abuse of power, racism, sexism, etc etc. But mostly the grifting. This is on spotify. If you give money to someone running a ‘find the lady’ table, you don’t then get to complain about getting conned.