
Or is that because you made them up?

Every single place I’ve looked there was nothing but praise. But you managed to find some assholes in the backwater dredges of the internet and can now declare ‘Backlash!’ and moral superiority. Well done you I suppose. Totilo would be proud.

“We’re making something completely different from what we’ve made in the past” continues to show Assassin’s creed Star Wars. Look, I’m all for this. I like AC. I like star wars. I’m excited! But you falling for their bullshit doesn’t speak well to your ability to look through the bullshit.

The moment they asked me to verify my real home or whatever I immediately cancelled. Sadly, one of my buddies that was sharing (as Netflix originally encouraged us to do!) then got his own subscription to I guess with less connections that was actually a net gain for these fuckers.

Maybe they can finally make the expansions story mission multiplayer. You know, since it’s a massively MULTIPLAYER game? That was so incredibly stupid.

How to sell out: By Kotaku and Ethan Gach.

Fairly uneventful? Didn’t you just friday report that players weren’t able to log in unless they bought something in the cash shop? Seems pretty fucking eventful to me. Where’s your fucking dignity Zack?

Games getting more expensive to make is more then set off by the ever increasing sales volume. All of this? Price increases, mtx, all of that is just greed and nothing more.

Considering Turgle is an annoying piece of shit who, had I had a choice, would have let get skewered as he so richly deserved, I’m taking these stats with the grainest of salts.

So diverse means either black or white? No asians, no native anything? Just... black or white. Okay, got it.

Are all writers at Kotaku now in actuality ChatGPT or did they just lose their souls and enthusiasm for creating quality content: Brutal Callout Edition.

Too little, too late DeSantis. You’ll need to do more then that to make me think well of you. Now if you start putting furries to the torch... we’ll talk.

Compared to competitors, Wizards are already at the higher end. Considering you need all three base books, they’re the most expensive by far. Only Monte Cook comes close and he often prices himself out of my range for what’s on offer.

It is ironic in the extreme that Kotaku of all places is criticizing bloggers for taking money for content.

Really hope Bezos is paying you to shill. Otherwise, what’s the point?

The second I read the reason I understood. This is bribe bait. MS will make some minor changes, regulators will suddenly find themselves flush with cash and the deal will continue with the regulators touting ‘major concessions’. Rotten to the very core.

I think Kenneth’s definition depends on whether or not he’s getting paid to shill.

Good for you guys! Now you can continue to create and then profit off outrage!

It seems dystopian that you can be ordered to pay more then you ever made from the crime when no physical harm was done to anyone. His humanity has literally been stripped away. I sometimes really hate this planet.

They gotta earn money somehow. And hypocrisy has always paid the best.