Which of these write Lifehacker articles that are mostly just about something they personally believe and have no basis in reality or aren’t actually lifehacks?
Which of these write Lifehacker articles that are mostly just about something they personally believe and have no basis in reality or aren’t actually lifehacks?
And obvious over promising only causes other countries to roll their eyes. As they’ve been doing for the past 12 years. Obama over promised and that just encouraged other countries to say ‘sure’, promise the same and then just like Obama never deliver.
I’ve heard that one before.
I’m pretty sure the ability to change data is a feature, not a bug. How else can the cops manipulate data to frame innocent people?
Well, they bring different things to the table in that relationship. I’m betting neither of them bring a good personality.
You know I’ve thought long and hard about this. My first reaction was, what a misogynist asshole. But if this works for him and whatever partner he has, so what? His wife can always leave him. Nobody is entitled to a sex act, he’s not obligated to go down on her. She can either accept this or leave him, up to her.
Lol. I guess this is the solution to people using adblockers.
Using someone’s voice without their permission is definitely something you can be held responsible for. And you should be. They were free to either voice it themselves or hire someone to do it. They chose to use his voice without his permission. Regardless of laws, that’s amoral.
Of course not, showing your work would entitle journalism and god forbid Kotaku post anything even close to resembling that.
Apparently it pisses off FIFA. That’s good enough reason to be for it.
Can you imagine people like this having kids though? Christ I don’t even want to think about the next generation if they’re going to be raised by this lot. There is a point at which all of this becomes ridiculous.
If the uniform was such that it gets taken away when you’re no longer Royal, it wasn’t a real uniform to begin with. Also can we just not with the inbred racist embodiments of entitlement anymore? It’s bizarre how much positive attention we’re giving to a literal family of oppressors.
How much does it cost to never have to see this in a match?
Well, actors like to work. If I were him though, seeing the shitshow that was Picard, I'd have passed.
Had Egypt widened the canal like they lied they did, this wouldn’t have been an issue. Frankly, fuck em. Just invest 10 billion and dig another canal away from the corrupt insane people.
He wrote BvS, Justice League and Rise of Skywalker... Shouldn't he just retire? How often is someone allowed to fuck up this badly?
Seriously, hire an editor. Or do another pass. It really is embarrassing the amount of mistakes in so little text.
It’s either not enough or too much. I fucking can’t anymore with this shit.
It really didn't. People keep saying this but just like TFA it recycled Empire but shittier.
I'm sad by this. Sure, Last Jedi was garbage. But the acting and direction was, apart from the fight scenes and a sleeping Del Toro, amazing. Johnson obviously doesn't do well under story and studio constraints. I was interested to see what he might do given free reign.