Christina Aguilera is Huge
Christina Aguilera is Huge
If it has the charming aesthetic of the SNES version, then yes times infinity. Otherwise, just yes.
I always think of 90's cartoon Spidey first, then the 60's one, then the comics(no particular order), THEN the movies. That usually keeps the character good in my eyes.
Grow an epic Beard-Stache and submit pics, then I'll consider your request.
Simpsons, when Homer eats the insanity pepper.
Let him go, Ralph. He knows what he's doing
I can't get over the fact that she spelled "Disgusting" as "Discusting".
Go Learning Company Go!
Actually, I saw a video interview with the guy, and he doesn't give the usual "it came to me in a vision" argument. Instead, it appears he just arbitrarily grabbed numbers from the bible and arbitrarily multiplied and divided them for no good reason.
Before the First Encounter? Nah, that can't be right.
Until I hear otherwise I'm just going to assume BFE stands for "Bestest Friends Ever".
Add another vote for preferring the original. The original work just has stronger contrast, which makes it pop better. Plus, I've always felt the impractical armor design really helped to push the gratuitous over-the-top nature of the game. I mean seriously, exposed midriff showcasing your six pack abs on the surface…
I'm sitting at 253, someone please stop me. :(
Just when I thought I couldn't hate these people any more than I already did, they pull this on me lol!
Athletes Food. :D
You can have my crown when you wrestle it from my cold dead hands!
I got something hard, sweet, and little for her... wait that came out wrong. :P
I see your cattle prod and raise you one board with a nail in it.
Meh, I have a feeling it will end up being this year's Stalin vs Martians. Hopefully they can prove me wrong.
Honestly, I'm a lot more positive towards Sony now. Previously, I've been holding a grudge against them for the old perception that they ruined the Saturn and the Dreamcast. However, in recent years I've learned to let that go. Now I just feel sorry for them and their situation, especially since I feel that a lot of…