
It’s not really turn off your brain so much as come to terms with mindless boredom and repetitive tasks until they become what’s fallaciously known as muscle memory. Although the Corps has never used the phrase “zen”, the ability to keep yourself centered in the midst of demanding and sometimes painful physical work

Any husband who has a wife that earns as much as him or more knows the benefits of that second income.

Rather an insulting set of questions and assumptions there. Do you think that other jobs women do should “benefit their husbands” or that if they work, their partners must be insecure or unattractive? I’ve been with the same partner for fifteen years, and he’s extremely attractive, especially the fact that he’s much

The “speed” of a 3D printer relative to other fabrication methods depends on the complexity of the part you’re making. For instance, simple shapes like a small cube could probably be made faster manually.

The “speed” of a 3D printer relative to other fabrication methods depends on the complexity of the part you’re

hahaha. PLA Filament costs roughly $25 for a kg and while YMMV, they last a while. 3d printed objects are not solid, they are mostly hollow with a grid pattern on the inside. I typically keep that infill at 20%.

hahaha. PLA Filament costs roughly $25 for a kg and while YMMV, they last a while. 3d printed objects are not solid,

It runs worse, But it gets content added more often. Just wait till it gets out of early access

I think most of those are CRT’s (!)

Seriously. We’ve spent years keeping animals out of areas and zombies aren’t nearly as smart as them. Also, I stopped reading the comics a while ago, but have they ever established if the zombie virus kills animals or otherwise dissuades them from attacking zombies? Because I’m pretty sure one bear could take out a

You mean there are leaders that don’t switch from pointless moralizing to relentless violence at the drop of a hat? And also who don’t think that a prison with a FUCKING CHAIN LINK FENCE is the best sanctuary they could find in the goddamm south, which is littered with military bases and other fortified structures.

Now playing

It reminds me of an old PC game called Interstate ‘76. The lighting, landscapes, early 3D graphics with basically no textures (ala Virtua Fighter), and of course cars!

Hey ! dick...

Hey yanks are just as stupid, people harrased US soap villains all the time on the street etc. Don’t doubt the stupidity of your own people. People are idiots no matter the nationality

I can’t wait for tit brush, as that is how my brain first read it. I mean come on brain are you twelves?

Depends on what you mean....


The house arrest that he is currently under seems reasonable. At least we know he’s securely confined to his home with the mandated ankle monitors.


Disclaimer: Prices may vary. Always consult your instructor before purchasing gear.

At the most basic level, you can train HEMA with an internet connection and a stick. Granted, there’s a lot you can’t do at that level, but you can download texts, watch videos on YouTube, and do solo drills and low-speed paired drills.


Depends really. The most expensive part is of course buying the weapons since you really don’t wanna be cutting corners on that front. If memory serves me right, I paid between 200-250$ for my rapier.

That’s about halfway down the list of things I want to do and don’t have time/opportunity to do.