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Do they have the office version of the exercise ball chair?

Do they have the office version of the exercise ball chair?

Twin megwatt pulse lasers. Cause I’m in the cockpit of my starfighter.

anal only provided at executive level, go back to work drone

you don’t drive this track, if you had bothered to ride the description all you do is press W to go forward and the design does the rest

meet your quota, get a handjob. exceed your quota, get a blowjob.


North American Stalker

yeah blame it all on the unions, because Reagan always has your back.

that’s why they call him Djokobitch


the research looks like more fun than the game, seriously, how can you do realist sword combat with a mouse or gamepad?

trust me, if they were able to tell you, you’d go : that’s it?!?!!?

new meaning to giving head

maybe we should put up a fence around it while they’re all there

I’d troll Vimeo by making many accounts and uploading many videos with titles including the word pixels. The videos would simply be one frame affairs with the word pixels in it.

Trolling is not always evil. Some of the articles and commenters on Jezebel are just begging for it :)

Dude #1 seems like he trolled himself....amateur

playing as a child would have been more appropriate for the dialogue and general level of depth.

depends, does your mom watch a lot of HD 3D porn?

depends, does your mom watch a lot of HD 3D porn?
