
In time... they're just now getting to Vince Young.

Smart money trades down for multiple picks

Man ... Roger Ebert came back from the dead for nothing.

There is no way to actually do an exorcism.

The first thing I thought of! Thanks for the gif.

haha i just knew this was coming :)

Oh my God, if you say that one more time, I'm going to break up with you.

Yup. I couldn't even muster an eyeroll at this, let alone a genuine expression of offense, because the whole thing—the interview, the quotes, the "redneck" persona, the dumbass beards—stinks so badly of a bald cash grab. They're just taking advantage of the fact that a large number of Americans are already racist

thats impossible you cant check a star on a sign in real life you need a reality check bro

I've heard that semen being discarded into port-a-potties is how most lawyers are conceived...

I thought it was pronounced "Farve."

People say the NBA doesn't care, but here's concrete evidence that they do. How nice of the Pistons to help these kids take their minds off the tragedy by bringing them to Detroit to shoot some hoops

"Blonde" is for women and "blond" is for men. Thanks for the correction, though.

I am beginning to suspect all the white people who said racism was Over (tm) might not have been speaking from knowledge.

A slightly more accurate map:

St. Louis' only real fault is not the arrogance of their players and fans, its the New Madrid.

It's real and not photoshopped. I was there covering it for a local TV station. That's my microwave truck in the background. It was at the Boeing plant at 94 and 370 in St. Charles County. It wasn't a strike, it was a group of protesters who tried to gain access in "weapons inspectors" costumes. Protesting the Iraq