Fuzzy Dunlop

Look! It’s Enrico Pallazzo!

Wow, that’s fucked up. He made a mistake, sure, but he doesn’t deserve to have his basketballs ruined.

there are timestamps on all the videos. and several minutes are missing. and there is little to no footage on that tape that shows any vandalism or fighting. it shows them walking out of a bathroom, getting into a car, sitting on the ground holding their hands up, and Lochte stands up. Brazil police admit the security

The videos that have been shown to us by Brazilian police have three segments and perspectives, none of which show vandalism.

This money is going to “an institute” the same way that the singles put in a g-string pay for “nursing school.”

Is it really a lie to say they were robbed at gunpoint? Because while obviously they weren’t telling the whole story, certainly in the US armed security can’t just demand you hand over all your cash to compensate for trashing a bathroom. Seems very extra-legal. Sounds a lot like these guys acted like assholes, got

“After this donation is done, his passport will be given back to him, and he will be free to return home.”

Did Lochte lie or just shade the truth? The story on deadspin published last night seems to be the most accurate and comprehensive order of events.

4 piss ass drunk swimmers vandalize a gas station at 6am. Security comes up and demands compensation speaking a foreign language and a gun may or may not have been drawn.


Careful, you might turn an ankle jumping to all those conclusions.

I think Bill Clinton got a lot of sex, before and after marrying Hillary. I think 90% of it was consensual, and when he was younger and stupider and the times were different there’s probably a solid 10% that we would consider today to be date rape or worse. In that way I believe Broaddrick and it seems it has affected

I don’t know if Bill Clinton raped her or not, but I do find it odd that she seems to focus so much on ruining Hillary’s career over the issue. Her evidence that Hillary even would have known about the incident is shaky at best - Hillary shook her hand and said thank you, in what was perceived to be a menacing tone?

That ball from Suarez cut right through the other team. He really is on the bicuspid of greatness.

Ehhhhh, I mean all the photos are from the event they’re covering — the nomination — and Hillary Clinton wasn’t there. So kinda hard to get a photo of her. The USA Today one looks terrible.

I couldn’t figure out where I knew this dude, but his explanation totally made me remember.

As for Crowell admitting he was wrong and acted out of rage — Loomis says, “You’re a grown ass man, and you claim you were too emotional to know it was wrong? Think we’ll accept your apology? Kiss my ass.”

Obviously, all dongs have a little curve to them

There’s a commenter commenting on a grown man crying in a video rather than about how a young boy consoled a fellow person who was upset.

To be fair, it’s produced better results than Morey’s “FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, FIND SUPERSTARS!” number crunching.

Joe Lacob had a team of Silicon Valley programmers create a secret algorithm that determined “Adding Kevin Durant is good.” Will the disruption ever end?

He’s not getting the double the money, nor the same responsibility