Fuzzy Dunlop

I care. He’s right. You’re wrong. You are getting torn to ribbons on this thread.

So is that. Don’t be an asshole when someone comments on your dumb article. Or better yet, serve a necessary purpose and report facts without an opinion and bias. Of course it is my fault for giving you the page view in the first place, let alone commenting myself. No one should care about my opinion either.

Anyone else notice the Trump effect around here? Anything the Gawker et al staff doesn’t like or agree with is necessarily dumb or idiotic or whatever. They are so used to using those terms with Trump garbage, they now are casting it at everything.

Dumb? Maybe... well... yes.

It’s worth noting that there are only two players in the league against whom Hack-A works (Drummond and DeAndre Jordan), but against those two, it is devastating, turning good offensive teams into teams with lower offensive ratings than the Sixers on a bad day.

Still though, shooting free throws is an important skill. If Howard/Drummond can’t make them in a game for whatever reason shouldn’t that diminish their value significantly?

“It only takes a small tweak to rid the game of intentional fouling”

That must be the most infuriated she’s been in all her 4 years as a Seahawks fan.

Yeah. This is an interesting footnote from Kobe (for me, mainly because he’s talking about passing, a sometimes foreign concept for Kobe), but we heard this time after time from the 2-time MVP during his heyday 5-10 years ago when he was making passes and decisions better than anyone, so it’s not exactly a

It’s like he’s two or three airballs ahead of everyone else.

Didn’t that basically form the basis of everything ever written about Steve Nash?

You mean the three times he wrote giant articles that basically sucked the dick of Dana White and the god awful UFC and then was wrong?

He’s an alcoholic who’s getting ready to flush a lucrative career down the toilet because none of his enablers (his parents, friends and the Cleveland Browns) will admit it’s a problem.

I believe that’s “puşşy.”

I kind of made this same joke, but you were 1st. I give you credit and if I could star...wait I can star again?!? You get a star too!

Karakaş was allowed to return to the match after a brief tampon and ice treatment

“Alcoholism is a disease. But it’s the only one you can get yelled at for having. Dammit Otto, you are an alcoholic! Dammit Otto, you have Lupus! One of those two doesn’t sound right.”

How old were you when your heart just shriveled up and died?

You need to rename your user name to “Dumb fuck who clicks on things he knows he won’t like”.

Please don’t be one of those insufferable assholes that tell people how they should show support for ______ tragedy just becasue their method may “offend” you. They are free to call it what they wish. Prayers, thoughts, wishes, thoughts from a chosen deity, etc.