Fuzzy Dunlop

“...and the ability to work for the whole year.”

So Jordan as gone full “hug-truther” on us now.

Everyone is making Williams out to be the goat because it’s an easy narrative, but I understand what he is saying.

Mgoblog (an excellent Michigan fan site, for those who do not know) has been referring to Siemian as “Unstoppable Throw God Trevor Siemian” for years, ever since an excellent Siemian performance against Michigan in 2012.…

That would be a fair point if someone had asked Harbaugh why Lewis was out and he refused to answer. But that never happened. Cunningham leapt right to theorizing about a suspension before anyone had ever asked Harbaugh to explain Lewis’s absence.

The Solomon recommit hurts, but the other kids are class of 2018, whose early “commits” we’re always viewed as tentative at best. The timing is unfortunate because it leads to stories like this, but noone was really assuming that they were solidly in the fold. The timing is in

You are drawing ridiculous assumptions that have nothing to do with anything that I’ve posted. The swimmers are not on my “team”—I don’t have a “team” in this fight. From the beginning I’ve said that the truth is most likely somewhere in the middle of the two versions that have been presented to us: The swimmers

Or, instead of artificially limiting where players can stand on the field, hitters can just learn how to go to the fucking opposite field.

You just don’t get it. The Brazilian authorities are obviously lying, just like rape “victims” and black “people”.

Did he file a false police report? I thought the whole shitstorm hit because Lochte opened his mouth in an interview, not because any of them reported the matter to the police. And I didn’t think the vandalism charge came to light until after the judge ordered their passports seized, but I could be wrong.

First, I’d like to see a little more evidence of the jackassery beyond “the Rio police said so.” As others have noted, the surveillance video released thus far doesn’t actually show any vandalism.

No, extortion. They never had any right to be holding him in the country in the first place.

Not a bribe. Extortion.

Agreed. It’s annoying how everyone assumed Lochte to be telling the complete truth at first (jumping on the “Brazil is so corrupt!” narrative), then quickly shifted to accepting that Lochte is a fabulist who simply made up the story for attention, without considering that maybe the truth is somewhere in between—as is

or the embarrassing amount of power he might wield over the actual educational establishment at the school...

Odds are the kids were suspended for poor grades or failing a drug test, which really is nobody else’s business. Harbaugh could have been more politic about it, but he has no obligation to share students’ private information with a reporter.

Open record laws don’t require you to reveal private information about students, such as problems with grades or failing a drug test (which are the most likely reasons for a suspension).

Despite warm critical reception...

Yeah Billy, how dare you show us three beautiful goals! True soccer fans don’t want to see that shit!

His delivery left a lot to be desired, but isn’t it a scientific fact that girls mature faster than boys?