
But she wouldn't admit to it IN FRONT OF HER FATHER. That is where the problem is.

Maybe not guaranteed, but around here, it's more likely that social services would take a closer look at the case. I've noticed that around here, at least in recent years, there seems to be more domestic violence leading to death cases involving certain immigrant communities (per capita) than the multigeneration

Analysis is now coming forward (through various Canadian news sites, papers, etc) that it was through 'respect' for the cultural practices of the Shafia home that no interventions were made on the girls' behalf (the line of reasoning being, if a non-Muslim girl told her teacher that her father and brother were beating

What Cinnamoncanuck said. But yeah, I know people who distinguish the two, including Catholics themselves (though this, in my experience, usually comes via family members from Hong Kong).

Today's day 7, right? Isn't that "person day"? You're supposed to eat noodles or something (I only know what my parents tell me, sadly)

Yes! I really like them! I bought a couple when I was in Hong Kong (including a splurge on one from Bobbi Brown). I've found that ones that are more tinted moisturizer-like (i.e. come in several different shades) work better if I want a lightweight made-up look than the one-shade-fits-all versions (which are more

If you can walk and you can talk, you can go to Brock (that's what people said when I was in high school back in the 90s. Kids don't exactly ASPIRE to go to Brock. Back then, it was a safety school for safety schools).

So wait, Ferris is going to steal a Honda? Why steal a Honda?

I usually don't go higher than 3, maybe 4 inches (and only if there's a platform). My feet are way too tiny (usually 5 US, sometimes 4 1/2. I've gone down to 4/34 (Christian Louboutin, I'm looking at you!)) to properly balance in anything higher. So yeah, too high=bad (for me, anyway). What sucks is that us short

Oh, I did. I emailed and tweeted.

Honestly, if you want ridiculous, you better check out so-called "standards" from a Korean chart. I was hoping that Jez would write something about this as I did, but so far, nothing (even after emailing them).

Dining at Downton Abbey may be cool, but going to school at a 15th century castle is cooler! #mysemesterabroad (well, sort of abroad...the school was affiliated with my university)

Since many (immigrant) cultures (non-WASP) have long had HUGE weddings, could big weddings in the so-called "mainstream" (again, read: Anglo) just be a sign of cultural integration/assimilation?

I really, really, really want to see The Artist, but I don't have the time to go!! Must. Make. Time.

Do you think Paula's southerness has anything to do with the criticism? There are other celebrity chefs, male and female, who are overweight, yet they don't get as bad treatment.

I think big elaborate weddings came mostly from non-WASP immigrant groups. I've seen home movies and videos of weddings from the 60s-late 80s/early 90s of both Anglos and non-Anglos, and the latter groups (especially Chinese, Italian and Jews) were more likely to have HUGE weddings (relatively speaking) than WASPs.

Don't parents do that already? You know, with the "when are you getting married" question that everyone over 25 gets.

I thought this was meant to be an organ donation PSA. That said, all the robot needs is another set of batteries. He's not dead in the sens that he's not fixable.

She's a talking doll, I guess.