
If I had seen the chart without reading the post, I would have thought that the presidents just HAPPENED to be white (post-election). If you look at the criteria listed below, there is no indication that one needs to be a certain race.

Why is Zoe in the human circle? She's a monster, no?

@snickersnack: Those uniforms look similar to private schools in the Toronto area, especially the older schools (with pre-WWI founding dates). Peter pan collars are NOWHERE to be found and I've seen girls as young as 4 years old wear ties!

I think some Asian parents just don't tell their kids about the culture. They kind of expect us to know. I had a lot of issues when I was planning my wedding because my mom nixed several of my ideas, saying that it was "wrong." For example, I wanted cream flowers (but Mom said that it had to be closer to yellow,

@fiona.s: But don't cultures evolve? I would think that my great-great grandmother would freak out at the fact that Chinese brides wear white (at least they do in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and of course in western countries). I am also pretty sure that they'd be upset at how "un-Chinese" acting (to them) the

I have mixed feelings about the book/movie. On one hand, yes, it's non-stereotype-ish, but on the other, I feel disconnected with it due to generational and class issues. Most western-made novels and movies with Asian seem to have characters from very blue collar/working-class/Mommy and Daddy own a restaurant or

@andromache is Team MizJenkins: I'm pretty sure she took US citizenship. She and many other Canadian celebs are technically dual citizens.

@201curzonst: What's really interesting is that the pro-girls' education activists always believe in this philsophy: "An educated mom makes an educated family." In more traditional cultures, mothers are the central part of the home - rearing kids and making sure the household is in order. If mom isn't properly

I hope Ms. W can marry her boyfriend. This un-PC law makes Hong Kong seem less cosmopolitan and modern than it makes itself to be.

For a bit, I thought that Anna's sister just wanted to get rid of Dick/Don, so she told her daughter to tell Don that Anna's sick. Then I realized that the sister probably didn't know that Stephanie told him that...

This happens all the time. Most cities have these regulations, but they usually don't charge kids' families because a lot of inspectors had these stands growing up. I agree that this shouldn't have made the news.

Welcome back to the 21st century!

As others have said, 12th cousins are no biggie. I wouldn't be surprised if my parents are distant relatives - they both can trace family back to the same village in China.

They appear to stretch their videos too. I've seen ones where the models look really, really weird. Also, they don't seem to Photoshop the models' faces - just bodies.

@Birthday Girl: Speaking of Jenna, I think her dress was much, much prettier than Chelsea's.

@Leucadia: According to an article I read somewhere (HuffPo??), Chelsea eats gluten free.

@daradoodle: This is exactly why I didn't go for a strapless ballgown (which is what the vast majority of wedding gowns look like)...ballgowns don't look good on my shape anyway.

@fridaycat.: Maybe she's going to be like her mom and use both names without hyphenating (I plan to do this myself).

It's RAWTHER pink, don't you think?

Maybe Idol should have a different celebrity guest judge every season...