
So Robert Pattinson cut his hair? Geez, I thought that he'd lose his star power because he, um, SHOWERED.

OK, that THING is just freaky. I pity the girls.

@fortunecookie127: Maybe the extra hooks give a better lift, since it tightens the band?

@dismantledwoman: Still think she's too young though. The mechanic girlfriend seems to be in her 30s, no?

I think some women just don't care about the whole "showing off" sort of thing. It's a lot harder to show off a husband/boyfriend without a fancy degree at the country club (where the majority of men and women will have university degrees) than a sig-other who does. It's probably the same with women. Sure, guys

@Rosebush: Because it might be hard to find a size 10 model. Maybe the agencies they are in contact with couldn't send any (or sent ones that didn't fit the look). Petite fashion designer, Henrietta Pertuz mentioned that she has had difficulty finding models short enough for her line!

@scribbles (formerly tighty whitey): Based on her measurements, 115 isn't that off for her height, considering that she has a small frame (and people with those measurements at her height do). She likely also has very light bones.

@LadyTudorRose: At 5'7", Katharine Hepburn is probably *STILL* taller than many leading ladies today. Aren't Hollywood actresses, on average, about 5'5"? The comedic/rom-com gals are usually shorter, though.

@LaNocciola: That's usually in stores that target the younger crowd, like Smartset. Jacob likes to do 1/2; 3/4, etc...which I guess reflects the in between sizing.

She has CRAZY NARROW feet, according to the blog post. 7AAA? Shoes today all seem to be Bs. She's really skinny and I think she'd be about the same size as most models at the time (though maybe slightly taller. I would guess that models back then were around 5'6"?)

@LaNocciola: Canadian sizes are slightly smaller than US sizes usually, but not enough to be one number less. i.e. a Canadian 6 is smaller than a US 6, but bigger than a US 4. But that's just my experience.

@Cinnamoncanuck: Only high school. At the elementary level, non-Catholic kids must have Catholic parents.

I know that Japanese fashion can be a little crazy, but this is way weird.

I think some people confuse "ethnic studies" with "sensitivity training." The latter can be bad because it sometimes makes people ASSUME. I don't know how many times people have ASSUMED that my family did such and such because we're Chinese and that's what the sensitivity training instructor taught them.

@MelissaMahoney: I don't know if it took *THAT* long to convince people in China that footbinding was a bad, bad thing. I don't think true advocacy to ban it came until the mid to late 19th century. My great aunt, who was born around 1909 (two years before it was banned), was the first generation not to have bound

You know, there are men who are criticized for this too (usually by women). A few years ago, my parents tried to set me up with a guy about 10 years my senior who was a doctor. The guy had not, according to my parents, dated since he was in undergrad. When I heard, my girlfriends and I thought that the guy was