
I think Canadians do this in the fall (or at least people in Ontario do it in the fall) - at some companies, kids actually dress like they would on a regular school day (i.e. really sloppy), while other companies require the students to "look professional." Personally, I think kids should actually dress like they're

@luxylux: In high school, I got a baby T from YM and the logo was sooooooooooo small!

Like SYMPATHYFORTHEDEVIL, I had a dream about taking over a very well-known, and very well-respected fashion rag (i.e. not my online mag). As the NOT!Anna Wintour, I decided to nix all the campaigns with tall, skinny models, and decided to use plus and petite models only. The mainstream fashion/entertainment/gossip

On Grey Gardens: Drew did a spectacular job, despite the awful singing.

@PetiteGal: BTW, I'm giving my site a make-over...there may be some glitches from time to time until mid-May or so.

I do Twitter (@prosperemag) mostly for my online magazine. I would occasionally post about other things, but it's mostly to let people know about upcoming articles or articles which have already gone live.

Guys can pack on pounds, but they can't be fat-fat if they want to be a dramatic leading man (unless they're like 60+ AND have proved themselves to be good actors).

The Intro to Women's Studies TAs (and the prof) hated my guts/writing. I tended to get As and Bs in all my other classes, yet these women all gave me Cs. One of the TAs from the course was later a TA in a writing course I took and basically ripped apart an interview I had with a 90 year old woman likely because I

@kad9k: The girls at your school sang I Dreamed a Dream? Really? I would have thought that tween/teens would be more obsessed with On My Own (even BEFORE the whole Dawson's thing).

I'm looking forward to this. Does anyone know if HBO Canada is debuting this on the same night?

@eri401: The Zara, Mango and H&M didn't exist during my high school years either, but there definitely was a more stylish/luxe feel about the Asians vs the non-Asian ones. Circa 1996, practically every white girl had the same Fair Isle sweater from the Gap, but the Asian girls (save for myself) wouldn't be caught dead

@eri401: Toronto. Asians (or rather, Hong Kong Chinese) girls do the luxe thing if they can (if not, they go to places like Mango, Zara or H&M). Back in high school, a Mean Girl accused me of being cheap/unstylish because I bought a few outfits from what is probably considered a mall standard (think Gap) when I was in

@greengrey: I know that, but most of the world thinks it is :)

I wore Abercrombie for a while when I was in university (made trips down to the US to buy them) because bein preppy went against the proper Asian girl stereotype. I always (and will always) do this. After all, Asian girls (at least in this part of the world), aren't supposed to be "preppy." I've grown up a bit and

Amy's right - petite women often don't get taken seriously (regardless of hair colour), and the sad part is that non-petite people don't "get" it and just brush it off. There's a difference between not being taken seriously because you're a woman and not being taken seriously because you're a PETITE woman. The latter

I think there are several different versions of what "old fashioned" is. The stereotype of Asian women being "old fashioned" and "lady-like" isn't my definition - I call that weird. "Old fashioned" and "lady-like" to me is more Charlotte from SATC (minus the fact that she's probably had almost as many men as Sam.) You

Dear Margaret,

I covered a plus sized model search during Toronto's LG Fashion Week, and the plus size girl is around the same size as the contestants - between 14-18. As for 25 being too old to model....not necessarily. The people's choice winner in the search was most definitely over that age (I think she's 40-ish).

I also want to protest people who're not proper (like these women here)....but that wouldn't be lady-like, right?

The Boy and I are probably not going to register for too many things....we expect our peers to get things from the registry, but older relatives are probably going to give us money, since it's culturally acceptable on both sides.