
@Katie Mapes: Many people in the old world also walk more than they do in North America (unless you live in a large city with decent public transportation). Not having a car is a good thing - I refuse to move to the suburbs because of this - I would rather have a small apartment where I can conveniently walk to a

Re the shoe/skirt thing: I think they might mean that the shoes must "go" with the skirt, not necessarily "match."

If they're going to require certain shoes and clothes, they better have a list of recommended stores. Better yet, issue a uniform for both men and women.

High school para should stay within the high school. Only people who go to the school or are associated with the school (i.e. alumni or parents) should be wearing high school para anyway.

To people in the US: Your Project Runway situation definitely sux. IF you live close to the Canadian border, you might be able to catch Project Runway Canada, which debuted this past Monday!

@bookfan: When I was 12 or 13, I wanted to dance on the piano, just like Blossom!!!

Very sad about Patrick Swayze. :(

@oh.meaghan: It's about losing face. Not necessarily for Jason himself, but for his parents. However, having lived in a western country for some time, I doubt his parents really care - especially since Jason is already out to them.

That's the most interesting blog I've ever seen. It scrolls to the right!

@slyseekr: But I'm sure the Aunties and Uncles at least kind of knew. They can't ALL be in denial, can they?

Janie please do clothes which actually fit shorter the waist should be at the waist not somewhere closer to the hips!

@Grim Reaper of the Forest: But what about people who use donor sperm or eggs? Technically it's not their genes either.

@BiBiVirtue: But a lot of women who have "biological children" aren't using their own eggs. It's often a donor egg with the hubby's sperm.

@hello.kitty: Yes, I'm CBC (Canadian Born Chinese). Happy new year, btw. :)

@TimGunn: I agree. I think the journalist just assumed he was out (the article said that Jason watched the inauguration with his boyfriend). Think about it, if Jason were straight and watching the inauguration with his girlfriend, no one would say anything about this. I think the journalist was writing this as if the

@hello.kitty: So you're a wai shen ren, just by being ABC MIT? Do Taiwanese use the term jook sing?

@hello.kitty: Horrors!! Horrors!! Are Taiwanese families more traditional than other Asian cultures? No one has criticized my Jewish boyfriend yet.

@AthertonMerriweather: I think it depends on where you're from. I would assume that having lived in Vancouver, they'd have at least a slightly less conservative outlook. I'm assuming that they meant family still in Taiwan?

@emilyanne: In Canada, the census divides some races up and not others. For example, under Asian, it's Chinese, Japanese and Korean (there may be one more). There's also Southeast Asian, which includes Vietnamese, Cambodian, Filipino, etc...South Asians are all grouped together (and black, too, if I recall correctly),

I think he's weird looking - his eyes look a little close together.