
This is probably not the appropriate place to write this, but has Jez ever discussed women who NEVER get hit on? Like EVER?

I was 6 lb, 10 oz, I think. I don't remember how long I was.

@goodcheapfun: I'll only believe that she's a US 10 if she's fairly short.

Re the other news: Yeah, if you find your mom annoying, you're going to do everything she hates, including teh sex. So listen up, moms: Don't be so harsh on your kid(s)!

What's this thing about Oprah? I'm getting a Lohan article.

This is exactly why I don't do the t-shirt and jeans thing. It makes me look like a little kid. Us tiny girls (Shakira is like 5' even, I think) CANNOT look like adults if we dress like this.

@Cam/ron: Heh...neither can many of my relatives, or people I meet at networking events. I *OWN* a media company (albiet really, really tiny), and some dude thought I was crazy that I use interns/volunteers for many pieces which go on my site. Um, I run a one-woman shop. I'm not Time-Warner.

@goodcheapfun: When I was 16, I was a crazy old-fashioned gal. I listened only to country music and told my teachers and guidance department that my plan was to go to university to find my future husband - I knew that if I wanted to meet the kind of guy I wanted to marry, I *HAD* to go to university. Today, I'm a

Ideal guy? Maybe 5'8" or 5'9" (hey, I'm short....I prefer guys who're shortish average), J.Crew/Banana types. Must like healthy foods, good manners, have at least one university degree and a job. Should also tennis, foreign film, live theatre and classical music.

Does this mean that any boy born at this hospital will grow up to be metro?

If they've denied that Anna is a goner, then I wouldn't be surprised if she actually is. It's just that they're not sure who is replacing her. I disagree that people here can't enjoy a Paris-style Vogue, because people seem to consume whatever is put in front of them, provided that it is done properly. No one thought

I think I'm somewhere in between. My WHR usually comes out to be 0.72 or so.


I think I'm the only Asian girl in Canada who owns a Lilly dress.

I'm pretty open about telling people that other than a few set-ups and crushes (J_____ in Grade 4 included), I've never dated INSIDE my race! Most of the guys have been Jewish or Eastern European Christians, though several acquaintances for some reason predicted that my serious reliationships would be with WASPs.

@EtoilePB: In Grade 4, I liked a boy named J__. We were in the smart math group together and were study partners. Or rather, I made him my study partner. I moved my desk next to his and said we were.

Every time I hear about Parisian sewers, I think Les Miserables. I've seen the musical too many times (only managed to read two sections of the book, though....too, too long and I'm hyper!)

@Jessi Ramsey: Yeah...some of the kids (especially kids whose parents were often out of town and technically lived with an older, university-aged sib) at my high school were known to be notoriously bad!