
Sarah, I didn't quite understand what you were talking about when it came to climate change. You give me brain farts.

I also don't like how she talks to people like they're her kids.

Sarah, Sarah, isn't only about soccer moms.

@shanlovesotters: Grey's is a repeat tonight, so no worries about missing Grey's.

@Dodai: Oops, sorry!


@lalaland13: That would make you too big for their team!

I still have the last-ever issue of Mademoiselle lying around my house somewhere!

What's average, anyway? Babies today are bigger than average - you hear about more 9-pounders now than 30 years ago.

@conokie: So far, the HK market hasn't been all that affected, from what I understand. And this includes housing.

Is there anywhere I can find a regional breakdown of the vote? I mean, there were some Republicans who were for the bill and some Democrats against. I'm assuming that those who voted against were those from areas where there aren't many bigger businesses??

Why can't today's actors be like him? Paul Newman was probably the only actor that my maternal grandmother, my mom and I agree on.

@westvillagegirl (exhiled in chicago): Things haven't exactly been rosy between Asian women and white men either. Yet, it's very common to see this type of couples. Speaking of IR stereotypes: My boyfriend and I are kind of one. I'm a decent looking Asian girl and let's just say that my bf is more along the lines

@HappyHappyJoyJoy: But as a journalist, your husband (probably) has a college education. He is in educational terms, an equal with you, assuming that you also have post-secondary. I think guys who make less money AND have less education are those who are the most likely to be upset.

@Charlotte Corday: Yes, but both C of E and RC are ritualistic. Where I live, many alumnae of Hong Kong Catholic schools send their daughters to Anglican schools likely because most Canadian Catholic schools are publicly funded and do not have boarding. They have found that the Anglican schools are not only

The Anglican church is pretty much as RC as one can get without being RC anyway.

@Cuteasabutton: Oooo...good idea. Lizzie and Mr. Darcy (I know...different versions, but still....Lizzy and Mr. Darcy!)

@Kivrin: What about Ralph Fiennes?

Re My Fair Lady: Do either George or Brad sing? George may be Rosemary's nephew, but it doesn't mean that he has the music gene.