
Re: 90210 spin-off= Hmmm...dunno about that

I interned for a Mean Girl once. She was in her 30s and thought she was the hottest thing in the world. She was *THIS CLOSE* to calling me stupid and criticized the way I typed. I'm a much, much faster typer than this woman, and hitting backspace to correct a sentence is FASTER for me than to use a mouse to move

I think being unique is okay, but only to a certain extent (Common names not great...there were like 7 Jennifers, 5 Katherines and 4 Sarahs in my class). In other words, a name like Apple or Pear isn't that great, while an older name, like Amelia is fine. Personally, I prefer names one can find in literature, like

Yeah, but Tori's $800K was probably just part of what she got from Aaron. I'm sure Tori got more through her trust fund?

Congrats, Jezebel Peeps!

@ashuri2: But they do have separate subway cars for women who don't want to be fondled or hit on by men.

@RosePetalPlace: But long maternity leave can be seen as oppressive too. The longer you get, the harder it is for you to move up. In Canada, you're only guaranteed a job of equivalent position, not your actual job. This means that your coworker could be your boss when you come back. Harder to break the glass

Harry Potter fetishizes boarding school for children? Wha?? I guess Tilda doesn't like A Little Princess or Madeline either then. Of course, Tilda might think Madeline is about orphans (as do many people). In any case, boarding school can be a great place for kids. It provides some stability for those whose

I guess I would have been suspended if they had these rules 20-something years ago. Kissed my first boy in kindergarten.

I'm a girl and I liked Lego too. But I never built what was on the box...usually made my own thing. It was fun :)

Ok...if Hillary Clinton wins, then it's racist. If Barack Obama wins, then it's sexist. Bad either way.

Not surprised. The Canadian Press recently released a story about immigrants not learning English and referred to a Canadian born Grade 2 boy who is in an ESL program.

Daniel Craig is hot neck down. Face is meh and TOTALLY UN-BOND. that song that goes "cause I got high, 'cause I got high, 'cause I got high" is in my head. The name of the singer totally escapes me. It was really popular in the late 90s/early 2000s I think.

I would *LOVE* to see Cindy C on either The View or GMA....especially if they get rid of you-know-who on The View...

The only issue with many single-sex schools is that they have extremely high expectations of their graduates. It makes keeping up with the Joneses harder!