
I often find typos and factual errors on the online editions of newspapers.

@UndeadLemon: :) Sorry for being mean about Ryerson...

@PetiteGal: Actually, Toronto Chinese immigrants (in my experience) regardless of socio-economic class have a thing for brand name least in my circle...if they can't afford to send their kid away, then it's U of T or kid is going to Ryerson or York!

@UndeadLemon: Well, on the whole brand name thing, wealthy Chinese immigrants seem to love that. For private elementary or high schools, BSS and UCC are better than say, Holy Trinity School or the Country Day School. For universities, Queen's, U of T and Waterloo are better than Guelph, York or Laurier. But this

@PetiteGal: I should also add that public schools in Toronto are mostly very good for a city of its size.

@UndeadLemon: You do have to admit that the second language plus smaller class size (a French Immersion program at public or separate school will have more kids) means more individual attention for the child, and the child will learn more and the kid will be ahead. It's not necessarily about getting connections. You

This is NOT news. My mom wanted to send me to a preschool called for information when I was 2 years old. They apparently asked her when she was due. THIS WAS 27 years ago! In Toronto.

Adoptee Goldenblatt is very, very adorable! :)

So who thinks J.Lo will give her kiddies really weird names (a la most of the recent celeb spawns)?

Re men being violent:

@Rhody: Sounds a little like me (though I wash more than 3 x/week)...I'm a wash and go girl with technical virgin hair (I've had spray colour done for Halloween...that doesn't count, right?)...what I do to my hair doesn't really reflect the economy...

I'm cofuzzled. I studied classical music for years and analyzed music, both ones with and without lyrics. I've written papers on pieces relating it to the time period it was written and the possible state the composer was in when writing said piece. Does this make me a girl who thinks like a guy? I hope not!

Don't guys like women who "look fertile" regardless of weight?

What Kittenish said.

No boomers on the ballot? Obama is 46, no? Isn't he technically a late boomer? I thought the Baby Boom ended the year the Beatles invaded America?