
This is probably going too far, but I think "plus size" candidates should sue, or at least, complain to the production company for including them even though they aren't right for modeling. Seriously, peeps, if the show isn't promoting plus size designers, then why on earth are they kept beyond the first episode of

Hannah Montana=Teen Jem, huh?

Britney is totally trying to get attention. Who sells their own pics?

I'm so sorry, Lilly.

The article seems to refer to males and height, just like most other height-related studies.

Wanna bet that they'll stretch her out so she'd look like she's 5'11"? I think Ellen is like 5'0" or 5'1" in real life.

Wasn't Diddy (or whatever his nom du jour is) looking for an assistant like last month?

I tend to stick to outlets because many regular affordable places rarely have small sizes, especially shoes (and you can't alter shoes!) And when they do, it's really, really fugly AND there's little choice. I was at Payless last year there was like half a shelf of size 5 and many more pairs of larger sizes. Out of

I should also add that girls tend to better in math/sciences in an all girls' environment while boys tend to do better in reading. I don't think guys' math/science scores go up that much in a boys only class. None of this is news.

Is it supposed to be pink? It's white/silver/gray on the Apple site.

Keith Richards for LV?!! WTF?

@PetiteGal: I should add that the Pakistani-Canadian girl was raised in a very traditional Muslim household. The first time she met her husband was two days before the wedding.

Could it be that Americans are, in general, more religious than other people in developed countries? In Canada, people who're having lots and lots of kids tend to be immigrants from religious countries. Even first gen Canadian children of religious immigrants raised in more traditional households may want more kids

I was 12 years, 9 months when I got mine. I'm wondering though: has anyone factored in older parents/fertility treatment causing kids to go through puberty earlier?

In Canada, Engineering students are stereotypically wild party-goers, especially at certain schools. They're just as crazy as your stereotypical fraternity boy (yes, many of the girls are just as crazy). At more than one school, they're known to dye themselves, especially during frosh orientation week and homecoming

I guess Chad Lowe wants to get back into the limelight some how.....not that he really WAS in the limelight (other than being the former Mr. Hillary Swank)...

That's exactly why Canadians don't use the term "freshmen" anymore. They've been called frosh for at least 20-someting years. Back in the day at my alma mater (Queen's University, Kingston), the boys were freshmen and the girls? FRESHETTES. SERIOUS!

Not a summer Olympics fan, but I think my parents would watch. Interesting fact: Some of the events are actually not held in Beijing, but in Hong Kong, a few hours away by plane.