

I don't get it. It's huge and it's only got 6 Gigs max (my video iPod has 30 Gs). Besides, it's going to be heavy in my purse. I'll stick to my Blackberry Pearl, thank you very much :)

Maybe Sarah's very picky about who she wants to go all the way with...but she's just not aware that she's picky. Or, maybe she's just shy or unconsiously sexually repressed.

Blueninja is right. Guys' clothes haven't changed all that much in the past 80 or so years. A suit is a suit.

The skirt length on # 1, 7 and 8 only work for tall gals. The length is CA-RAP for most women under 5'7" (why don't designers understand that most women don't look like models? SERIOUSLY! Especially SHORT GALS! Hi fashion world, the average woman in the US is a petite-plus (5'4", 165 lb is PETITE PLUS!)!!) #2 and #4

The third outfit, second row from the top is the fugliest of them all.

Paris is seriously contributing to our love of "tra$h with ca$h" (maybe this can be a new term!! :) )culture. And marketers know it, because many middle class kids who would otherwise be nice and polite are becoming that type too, because it's all about ME ME ME!! And Mom and Dad are giving in to it.

That's a hideous dress...

Celine Dion?? Ugh! According to an Entertainment Tonight Canada, some 57% said that Hillary made a bad choice.

Pax looks like your typical Asian kid though. When he was first adopted the media oo'd and ahh'd about how cute he was, but he looks like one of my cousins when he was a kid.

Maybe she'll start shoplifting at Saks.

@pink-india-ink: I don't know too much about Isla. Has she said anything about her height? I do recall Eva Longoria saying something, but it was sort of a one off comment, unlike the "campaigns" that many "larger" celebs do.

Would it be boring for a short celeb to talk about her height issues? Because we never hear about these things (I know, I know, y'all probably tired of reading about me ranting about height issues=body image issues already). Instead we hear about "so-and-so is too thin" or "such-and-such wants to see more 'big girls'

Lots of young people who go into the PR/blogging/communications/publishing business ARE about self-promotion (although this dude really should have started his own...I guess he wanted "experience" outside...) or have their own agenda. But I think this dude took it too far.

I have the issue at home (PetiteMom is a Vogue girl while I'm more Harper's Bazaar) and the whole spread c-r-e-e-p-e-d me out! Anna needs to go. I heard that the reason why there are so many super-duper skinny models is because of her. The only way models are going to be "normal thin" again is if she is replaced by

fug, fug, fug. Sorry Ryan, now I know why Reese left you.

When I think "rich" in non-monetary terms, I think chocolate :)

My family is from Hong Kong. Over there, it's quite normal to hear girls and women in their teens, twenties and even thirties speak with a high-pitched, young girl-esque voice. It's their equivalent of "valley-speak," how the young women on SATC-esque shows sound. Of course, an actress in her 20s or 30s taking on a

The wine dress is probably going to look ok on a shorter woman, although the belt is a big no-no. One issue I have with fashion mags is that they're pretty much anti-petite, unless it's their "body/shape/figure/whatever-you-want-to-call it" issue. Even then, they assume that all petite women are skinny like Eva