
I think God had a plan for that.

How do you not look at photos like this and hit rock bottom and decide to make some changes in your life? When you consider he’s got all the money in the world, can have personal gyms and fitness trainers and personal chefs around the clock - it really shows the enormity of his gluttony and complete lack of

A Palin wedding not going down because the ‘Merican hero groom is secretly married to another gal - this stuff writes itself. My progressive, godless, gay and abortion loving self rejoices.

For fuck’s sake. It’s either BBQ or Barbecue, you inbred mouth-breathers.

Understood. I try to avoid the manspread thing. One thing, though, that goes unlamented: the people of both sexes who cross their legs at the knee, and have that one dangling foot bouncing in the aisle, which repeatedly taps you against the calf or shin, and also makes walking along the aisle an awkward endeavor.

you know what I find offensive? 18 year olds getting shot and prosecutors intentionally throwing the case

"After mentioning her tumor and subsequent surgery, Elisabeth was quick to point out how thankful she was to live in a country where her ability to get said surgery was determined by how much money she makes as well as the whims of a man in a suit behind an Insurance desk.

"I am just so thankful," she said, glancing

Wow. Congratulations. You all are really mean. It was just fine when you said you wouldn't look at her blog. But the pile-up is ridiculous. You're against people being mean to Palin but you think it's fine to be mean to other people?

I come from a working class family. I know how hard it can be to even get access to higher education, much less to actually earn a degree. Bristol is a single mom, true, but she and her family are very well off. She could get a great education if she wanted one. She simply isn't interested.

One has a bachelors degree from Stanford and a PhD from Oxford. The other isn't interested in furthering her education, though she can well afford it now. Speaks volumes.

Defend her for being a hypocrite?

OMFG I knew the Chelsea quotes were real but I thought you made up half the Bristol quotes. What a fucking dipshit.

I'm sure you'll get just as much shit for this as the last one, so I'll say it: Yes , there are numerous other reasons why this is an unfair comparison, but in the end it's hilarious because it's a reminder of the bullet we dodged.

What happens when one of the tranny videos is mistakenly listed in the Straight section? I feel the kids' eyes may just straight up melt.

If you don't think that Obama is personally responsible for the decision involving the US Patent and Trademarks Office, as well as ESPN's broadcasting choices, and also Benghazi, then I think you are underestimating the superhuman powers that the far right seem to have ascribed to him.

Immediately after this, his 13 and 15 year old sons went to their rooms and got back on XHamster using the wifi their dad pays for.

Economic pressure, yes. Social, erm, no.

I hope it's paid for by right-wing tears.

If you don't "know" the facts, then you should shut the fuck up instead of spewing horseshit everywhere defending his decades of racism. That, or you're a racist.