I’m fully up for having female main-protagonists, but I see no reason for an existing and established character to have his gender changed just because #equality.
I’m fully up for having female main-protagonists, but I see no reason for an existing and established character to have his gender changed just because #equality.
Fuck geese. Goose is a trash bird. I hope it dies next time.
I don’t believe rape by deception is an offense in Washington.
A strong argument for the people who believe that white people shouldn’t say “woke”?
As a tenured Jets fan, did you not get the orientation brochure? No, no it does not get better.
I’m sure they’re already angrily typing away at how if it was their child, they would NEVER EVER take their eyes off him for even one second, so my point is moot. But also, fuck those guys even more.
Oh there you again using common sense and whatnot.
I want to know what any one of these fucking lunatics would have done if it was their child in the gorilla enclosure. I truly am devastated that the he had to be killed. It’s awful. But between that and a child being ripped to shreds while dozens of people looked on, I’m going with shoot the gorilla.
Oooh, I can use this as my excuse for my dog being so chubby.
Sorry, Jezebel doesn't acknowledge democrat victim blaming.
I miss when you had to draw your sex organ and mail it across the country in the hopes that the horse drawn carriage pulling your mail across the rugged, undeveloped landscape becomes waylaid by a pack of female bandits who seize the mail, find your hand drawn sex organ, and eventually track you down because, my man,…
“shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S”
That car looks like you asked it to hand over its wallet.
But that IS the point.
Fascinated that Gawker found the Ghostbusters trailer to be amazing, while are indifferent to this one. This looks fantastic and I’m honestly more excited for this than I was for The Force Awakens.
Plato lego set would be pretty rad. A couple of lego columns and maybe throw Socrates in for good measure.
Or fuck that, just a lego bust of Plato’s head!
Say it might not be, Tyler.
Buy a new one.
For me, it’d have to be the 50's ... simply because it was a ‘57 Chevy Bel Air that made me fall in wondrous love with cars.
“And yet, the only near-impeachment of my lifetime came when a dude stuck his cigar in an intern’s hoo-ha.”