Peter Hale

Do I wish every athlete interview was like this?

I seriously don't get the hate for people who eat their steak well done. I did for most of my life. I just recently started eating my steak medium-well. Still, I can't eat steak that is red and dripping with blood. It has a mushy feel in my mouth and I don't like the taste. I have had well-done that is juicy and

That is profoundly wrong. Until recently, I ordered my steak well-done. Wow, I guess that makes ME the asshole.


I can taste overcooked coffee without fail. Hell, I can tell before I taste it - with cream the color is all wrong (a greyish dark tan).

I loved this episode. They created a place with a very interesting dynamic and filled with developed characters in one hour. Gorman made a greater impact on me with less than 15mins of screen time than the Gov. could in a season and a half. Lollypop scene was disturbing and his comeuppance was AWESOME.

THIS is how you do professional snark, people. Thank you.


I didn't think Twiter was capable of anything worthwhile. Thanks @steviejhonson13!

How is sex borne of guilt that "they might make (their partner) unhappy" rape? Unless I'm not understanding you it would seem to me that force, threat of force, or some other manner of coercion would be required for rape.

I've already seen this movie in my head.

I think she'd already burned through all her timeouts.

Salt potatoes

I've lost about 40lbs. eating better, basically following: eat fewer carbs, count calories and eat more fruit. I eat more veggies than before but not enough...

Stay classy, Baltimore.

Frankly, I'm surprised Goodell hasn't tried a diversionary tactic - "We didn't feel that seeing the video was necessary given based on the decision of the Atlantic City D.A. accepting a plea deal.

Floyd Mayweather, here's hoping in your upcoming bout you play the role of Janay and Maidana plays Ray Rice.

Al Davis would have been all over that shit.

Give the Philly fans their due, they're the most patient understanding and forgiving fans in football.

Cowboys schadenfreude is the sweetest kind of schadenfreude.