I was thinking that they remind me of a teenager that smoked weed for the first time, thinks it makes him the coolest kid ever, and goes obnoxiously overboard with his new ‘hobby’.
I was thinking that they remind me of a teenager that smoked weed for the first time, thinks it makes him the coolest kid ever, and goes obnoxiously overboard with his new ‘hobby’.
We need some of the four-legged Rebel walkers. Vehicles are much more present on the Imperial side. Also, a Chewie crossbow, I’d like to see that!
Ah, you must’ve not been around in 2011 when she came and spoke at an event hosted by the university.
I’m still upset about the changes to Kerrigan’s level 1 upgrade :(
So freakin’ ticklish. I got one in Italy and tried my best not the squeal the entire time. But, yes, oddly satisfying.
Ugh, go away
Ivy League, lawyer, and business school...he's like douchebag Voltron.
Pretty sure he's joking... :|
:| chill out, bruh
God damn it, Woody.
Much like 'blatant', which really means 'shameless', not 'obvious and in-your-face', as many Americans like to use it.
True, I forgot the exact details but you can't remake the level or something if you kill the Cow King. I forget, it's been almost over ten years since I played. Holy shit, I feel...weird about that...
YES the Cow level...that brings back memories - fond ones, since the only type of item-hunting runs I do now are in Destiny, whose system is much weaker and makes finding those top-tier items WAY too easy.
There are 7 billion+ people in this world, of all races, creeds, classes, gender identities, backgrounds, on and on and on....there is a high possibility some of those people chose to be gay.
No, chris-sjbmx has a point. I understand you might be coming from the right place, but it's beyond 'agency'.
Multiplayer? Yeah, kinda...I found the campaign pretty good for COD, best since MW1 or COD2 (I haven't picked up a COD game since MW2, though)
Seriously, I agree that Destiny players are a buncha babies sometimes. They act entitled to hard items, and were raging two weeks after release that they didn't have exotic weapons, as if exotics are supposed to come from in-game vending machines. WHICH THEY DO, EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY.
Someone didn't read the article.