
because whatever works for the kid is what is best, food-wise.

Looks like the code is dead for most people as of today.

Whatever works for you is great.

I don't have a problem with the way it looks, but you are right about the heat. I live in AZ and have a VERY small yard. We would bake with this type of material. lol But there are plenty of other materials that can be used the same way (Google images).

I tried to watch Fringe, it's a type of show I love. But I couldn't do it, it's awful. I tried again, couldn't do it. I tried a total of FIVE times to watch that show (I was determined to like it!). Couldn't do it. I feel left out. :(

With today's parents giving VERY young children their own phones, TVs, etc I think it should start much earlier than that. MUCH earlier. When I was researching gifts for my adult son I was looking at cell phone reviews. I cannot tell you how many people were asking questions like "will my 2 year old be able to

I'm actually amazed at how much info is out there for the taking. It cost me $1 to find my biological father 50 years after the fact, and I had VERY little info on him (name, age). This really is not a good thing. I really worry about people that NEED to stay "hidden," such as those coming from domestic abuse

Portion control.

Judge David Rees ruled that Brennan's nudity was an act of protected speech.

The key to tying a tie quickly (using any knot) is practice. After helping my son learn to tie his I realized how simple it was and started tying everything like a tie. He's got all his shoes hanging in a shoe rack, and now they all have the laces tied like a tie! lol

Riding around nude isn't free speech. :)

Very interesting article, thank you! I'm going to print it out and tape it to the wall. Maybe I'll print out a couple and tape it at my desk AND in the kitchen. And maybe the bathroom. If I read it enough, maybe it will work!

People do this is supposed First World countries too. And they don't get thrown out of the country for it.

That IS a picture of Bill Cosby. Temple University, 1961.

Wow, such negativity! I think it's a great first step. It's worth a try and if it only helps a few people, so be it. But they should build it up on different platforms quickly. For example, there are a lot of people like me who are at home all the time with plenty of time to share. I have no use for a cell phone

I'm a sandbox/tycoon fanatic and I always have been. Thanks for bringing this game to my attention. It is now on my wish list, waiting for a sale.

The engagement ended. What did you do with the ring?

Personally, I think the customer should take responsibility for their action and the cafe owner doesn't need to parent their customers.

I read all the books, at least 4 times. Absolutely terrific. I have not started watching the show yet, figured I would wait until the first season was done. But I'm also a little afraid. These things don't seem to go well from book to screen (Harry Potter, Hunger Games).

The question was: Is anyone else totally into Outlander?