
out of the park!

Man Tries to Obtain Addresses of Strippers So He Can Prey on Them

I swear one of these days I'm going to roll my eyes so hard they get stuck like that...

Puppy>Kitten>Baby>Dog>Cat>Adult human>Scary clown from It>Ferret


Makes ya wanna just kick back and enjoy some popcorn, doesn't it?

I wasn't sure if it was body snarking to say that but I had the exact same thought! Where was that little dude hiding?

I'm strangely disappointed.

Thank you all for the nice comments. I am very surprised to have received a positive response after all of the commotion out there on "teh interwebz." While I do see the point of the comments that essentially say that her sign is risque, if it started a debate that helped everyone see the type of protesting that was

Oh god, the way that dude says "that slut of yours" makes my fucking skin crawl for SO many reasons. That dude needs to take a first-class ride into the sun.

Ya know, humanity, I get pretty down on you sometimes. After the travesty of the Zimmerman trial, and Texas passing that God-forsaken abortion limits bill, and just so much fucking crap, all the time.

This is what I needed this morning.

Also, did anyone else catch the commercial in which he says, "I'm Ryan Lochte, and I'm here to finish first"? I saw it the first day and haven't seen it since, but goddamn, it made me laugh. I just imagined him saying that to one of his one-night stands.

Those of you who are professing the desire to hit it: Would you hit it with his 2008 hairstyle? Because it was AWFUL.

I would still bang him like a screen door in a hurricane, God help me.

I would hit it like a Jeopardy buzzer. Over and over again. I'll take Walk of Shame for 1,000, Alex.

Oh, I don't know. I'm an atheist, and I'm enjoying watching the bizarre alliance of Christian zealots and fiscal conservatives (who, for some reason, believe that there's nothing you can't apply free market principles to) crumble.