Twilight Princess.
Twilight Princess.
Twilight Princess.
Twilight Princess.
Animal Crossing. Simple and addictive.
I loved Mr. Caffeine. He made all the other speakers seem boring, and that rewind sound effect was great.
Wii U can be played with Wiimotes.
For some weird reason, the N64 is the only console that I can play with inverted controls. Something about the controller just made inverted feel more natural.
I.. really want pancakes right now.
Yeah, it's the games that are region locked. And all games made for the 3DS are region locked. Pokemon BW are just are just DSi enhanced games, not made for the 3DS.
..Pokemon black and white are DS games. 3DS games are region locked.
"Anniversary will support two-player online co-op and splitscreen multiplayer."
"Now imagine what would happen if you lose it? Not only will it probably cost a bit to replace. But it would then make the console unplayable."
..Actually I see what you're talking about now. 2D Sonic.
Follow me.
Wild World. AC works best on a portable.
How so?
Because MS's conference was just that bad.
An HD xbla port of 1 was released almost 3 years ago.
The only one with a bunch of really long cutscenes is 4.