Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this guy.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this guy.
Yes, Sydney, there is no continuum between "war criminal" and "Ghandi." It is one or the other. You, obviously, are the father of nonviolent resistance.
Poor Paul Schrader. He's made several very good movies but then he made "Auto Focus" and everything went KASEXBLOOEY
Uh, isn't that kind of... awesome? Like, wouldn't you get a perfectly-sized elf gown or whatever?
As heinous as this is—and it is heinous—Newt Gingrich still retains the Shit Excuses From Inexcusable Shits world championship belt for the I-love-my-country-so-much-I-want-to-stick-my-dick-in-it gambit of 2011.
His little ears flapping around when he finally gets up a full head of steam are the best thing in this or any other world.
One of the perils of not being pro-choice is that you have to put up with people who agree with you doing shit like this all the time. DO NOT WANT
As a fat slut, I am appalled by this sort of behavior.
Honestly, I kind of feel like black people of any description should maybe stay away for their own security.
I am available for product testing. My wife will understand.
Honestly, I kind of think it's Xers who hate Millenials more than Boomers hate them. I don't know how else to explain it other than to say that my wife is a teacher and she's faced every day with these incredibly smug little shits who expect an A for breathing in class, and I'm a working schmoe who now avoids interns…
'82, I believe.
Suddenly that old sci-fi saw about the hunter who goes to his private island and shoots poor people for sport is less funny and quaint.
Can I say that I don't really love this practice of pulling out some crummy characteristics and lumping large groups of people together into a category with a pejorative name based on them? It seems A) hypocritical—I mean, the "fake geek girl" thing got no end of hate around here, and rightly so, and B)…
Far too much, really, but I'm glad that's all.
You know what, I'm coming with you on this one.
Anybody else feel like Seth MacFarlane probably blew the curve for this study?
Oh, man, you missed her on Paula Deen. Epic batshittery.
Oh, man, that game is amazing. And has plenty to say about female agency, and in a comparatively intelligent way.
I totally understand and sympathize with the sentiment, but I still don't quite get why you're not interested in playing the game—I mean, it's certainly true that there's no reason not to have more female leads industry-wide, but aren't, for instance, most violent criminals men? It's a game series that has always gone…