Perhaps Not


"I don't know which is worse, the unrepentant killer or the man who insists to the end that he meant well."

Uh, it's the unrepentant killer. I mean, I sympathize with a lot of what you're saying here, but let's be super clear: it's much worse when society isn't just oblivious and ashamed about racism but totally on

Oh, a professional dominatrix. You know, I hear the guild is really snooty.

Not to cloud the issue or anything but your sister site Gawker was definitely publishing autoplaying dong videos last week.

A priest, a rabbi, and Gary Coleman walk into a bar, and the bartender says, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Is this some kind of joke?"

Point of interest: your conscience actually tells you nothing at all about what I should be doing. It tells you only what *you* should be doing.

Jesus Christ please take that picture of that poor girl down.

Mallory Ortberg, as the Mad Magazines used to say, is a fershlugginer genius.

There is nothing about the American criminal justice system that isn't shocking, Dickensian and sad.

Y'all are high. That's a great, evenhanded profile with a ton of damning stuff about him throughout. Take a note: people listen harder when you're not shrieking.

Oh, God, you're right. Score one for the shitternet.

See, but I can write "LaserLightHo is a hilarious bridge troll" and the whole world, not just people I employ, can look at your comment history and nod along with me.

No, I pretty much meant that internal reviews are horseshit. Thank you for playing.

Yargh. Oh, good, a completely impartial representative for NBC has determined in its infinite wisdom that NBC didn't do anything wrong.

In answer to your last question, my money's on puberty.

In the prologue to A Clash of Kings, Maester Cressen, who serves Stannis at Dragonstone, decides that enough is enough from these crazy Red God people and plots to kill Melissandre by putting a poison from Asshai called The Strangler, which will make

Apparently the show makes it less clear whodunit, which is super interesting. I think most readers were able to follow it pretty easily in the books and guess the right answer (partly because GRRM has introduced that poison before and once you figure out the delivery system, you know who did the deed), but I love that

Answer: because the 6-inch line is brand new and this is the first Leia figure they've made. They made literally dozens of Leia figures over the course of the 3.5 inch line; you can expect a similarly large number of them in the 6-inch line if it's successful.

This is excellent. Thanks for posting.