
Well, there was that Hulk Hogan thing...

Almost like she’s a real person with flaws. I hate this knee jerk reaction to people who say things that are sometimes incongruous with whatever message they’re putting out there. No feminist, no activist, no no one is perfect and has fully realized, fault free vision and action.

I have no idea what Remini will do after this, but she is a great television personality. She’s funny, outspoken and smart. I don’t know why The Talk didn’t work out for her.

Anything that may curb new members is a step in the right direction. Fewer members = less income for the Church. I think when we see the sell off of their land/buildings/assets we’ll know the impact of the investigative journalism, documentaries, and docuseries we’ve seen over the last decade+.

I want Leah Remini to take on Trump. She is seriously a fearless badass chick.

This admin never wanted to “govern.” They just wanted to spout hot air and now that they have the keys, they are flipping their shit because they want to continue to spout hot air and now they are going to be held accountable for the hot air.

So paranoid lunatics with fascist leanings aren’t good leaders or managers and have a hard time hiring competent staff? Who knew?

Texas is what happens when you shut down PP. Kansas is what happens when you cut taxes for the rich. Wisconsin is what happens when you cut education. The Great Lakes and Flint, MI are what to expect when you kill the EPA.

Why do we continue to act surprised that our government clearly doesn’t have our best interests

Maaaaybe not the best wording considering their child died because of severe cranio-facial deformity and literally looked stunning (not in a good way).

Getting drunk AT the sporting event? Who am I, Rockefeller?

More stars. I’m in the planning stages now, hopefully within two years, to be out of this country, on the other side of “the wall”. And, I hope all the queers and misfits will come and join us. Because, I’m done bringing what I do, my work, my values and everything thing to this country, who I don’t think really

I am openly hostile now to the parents of my peers that made me hate myself as a child. Small town civility and all that other bullshit can go fuck themselves!

Does anyone else feel that your comprehension has changed dramatically regarding America and how you fit into it? My anger will not subside and quite frankly I feel much better about it. As a gay man I will no longer tolerate nor hold out any hope that this virulent, disgusting and capitalistic country, rotten to its

Oh fuck this guy. Welcome to being an adult, your shitty hateful actions have consequences, and one of those consequences is that everyone thinks you’re a shitty, hateful bigot now.

You know, I feel for Kim, but that preview is icky. Like, exploitation at its finest.

Hot off the presses! The girl two cubicles over just had Botox and is telling people she’s just drinking more water and getting more sleep.

Boom goes Florida’s economy.

New York City is also projecting that there will be 300,000 fewer tourists. Because people are hearing stories of CBP treating people like shit and deciding that it’s just not worth the risks. And the idea of forcing people to hand over passwords is terrifying for the business crowd, so business travel should be down