If there’s a silver lining, this is it.
If there’s a silver lining, this is it.
Speaking to the Post, El-Messidi said “This is really a human issue. But out of this horrible election cycle, something beautiful has come out of it and [Muslims and Jews have] bonded together to support each other and stand up to this hate. Politics can get in the way of our basic humanity; I hope this breaks through…
A federal judge in Austin has issued an injunction that effectively prevents Texas from cutting Medicaid funds to…
The important thing is that white people in Idaho feel safe from Mexicans.
I think it’s a fair assumption for her to make that he’s never been in a black church...
To be fair, most white churches ARE a lot different from black ones. It’s a difference in style of worship. There ARE white churches with the same characteristics, but they are not common. So in reality, I don’t think she was trying to insult him. And even if his home church is similar, it wouldn’t be the same. So I…
“In this family, you don’t need to have black skin, but you need to have thick skin.”
Jolie’s interview with the BBC is worth watching just for the lols. She now has a faux continental accent (I know she speaks French) that moves back and forth depending on the subject and how well she has rehearsed for it. In short, she was so thirsty.
Where is that?
That assumes the child is making an actual choice and not being manipulated by one parent. In an ideal world sure. But if the parent or parents are manipulators it’s not really the child’s choice.
The perfect self-cleaning op, the assassin is also the patsy. Complete deniability.
That’s what I was thinking, this is so brilliant on so many levels. Ok, aside from the ‘this is horrible don’t do this’ obviousness... but you have the ‘so many degrees of separation’ from the actual scene going for you, AND you have the built in ‘the participants are inherently calm (showing no fear or doubt)’ facet…
That’s . . . actually a really brilliant plot.
Holy shit. With every day that goes by I’m not sure that we haven’t fallen into some alternate universe where real life is some bad 90's action movie.
Last year, when I was invited to sing “O Canada” at the NBA All-Star Game, I was happy for the opportunity to…