
If that fails I suggest a Go Fund Me for a good assassin.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

You know, I noticed the sniffing and palate-sucking was back during his speech. He might not drink, but the man seems to enjoy his blow.

I hope he snorts too much coke tonight and drops dead.

Even his own tie is trying to get away from him.


You can see the sparks between the Obamas. There really doesn’t seem to be much between the Trumps.

This picture is a nice thing:

Re: #4: That’s an Irish Wolfhound! We have one named Freya, and here are some pictures of her because you all deserve them:

I got a response from Richard Nixon when I was twelve (summer of 1974). It was utterly without charm - and he resigned a week later.

When going higher physically pains you

I don’t believe you.

WIN!! Also, ew.

They straight up live next door to Tiffany’s. This is the equivalent of me handing Barack a gift from my bodega.

Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

If there was any justice in this world, it would have been Trump’s tax returns in that box.

Stop calling her a Jackie Kennedy wanna- be. She’s clearly a Carla Bruni knock-off.