
The song would definitely be fitting in a more modern Trigun setting with it's slide guitar it has a very western feel to it. I just finished watching Trigun for the first time and loved it.

With a price and release date now set, Nintendo really needs to re-evaluate it's marketing campaign. This is the perfect opportunity to start ads featuring R. Kelly as the face of the product, Piss on You Remix and all.

The draw of some old classics and GBA games was a big reason I bought a 3DS... sigh.

But where's Beedle's Beetle from Skyward Sword?!

A lot of the tactics are done on the fly with current consoles using the D-Pad.

Then there's claims of Michael Phelps being the best Olympic athlete ever. I can go with the most decorated as he now has the most medals ever or best swimmer, but when guys like Carl Lewis have won 10 medals, 9 of them being gold, in Track and Field... it's like comparing apples to oranges.

Those are some great examples. You couldn't help but feel for Shin Lam as she sat on the piste awaiting the inevitable decision to move the German to the final instead of her.

Or people that have been sexually assaulted themselves? Disregarding the context, being raped can be quite traumatizing to an individual, and I find it hard to believe they would think it funny to joke about.

Dag yo! Great Homestar Runner stuff right there. Strong Bad!

I might buy a second 3DS to go with my Zelda one. My first bike was that color of blue and I've been in love with just about anything that shade since.

How similar to Warhawk is it? Much improved? And that is a good idea, I'm most likely going to pick up Diablo since my brother is planning on it, but if I knew some people from Kotaku, I would be more likely to get Starhawk as well.

Starhawk or Diablo 3? I've not played any of either, but I have played the games that came before them.

You make some good points. While I'm also interested in Dragon's Dogma and wouldn't mind supporting a game that I think looks good, I'll have my brother and a few friends to play Diablo with, and I can see myself pickup up Dragon's Dogma in a few months time for $20. Sucks that's the way it is, but I've had to be

I think he was just getting at the fact that even if you do have a walking signal and the drivers have a red light, it's still common sense (and in the interest of safety) that pedestrians look both ways before sprinting out into the street.

Red Gyarados.

Can't wait to get my PC parts so that I can put it together and start enjoying all these huge discounts. Yet to play Bulletstorm, but for $5 (I'll probably just run through the campaign) it's hard to pass it up. Darksiders is a great game as well, looking forward to the sequel.

Better or worse than say, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance or Lord of the Rings: War in the North?

It's only 4.99 if you get the PC Download version too.

If you have someone to play it with, I would really advise picking it up. My brother came to visit for an extended weekend a while back, and we went looking for a multiplayer RPG (preferably Action RPG) to play together while he was here.

I can remember certain areas I was leveling in WoW whenever a certain song comes on (more particularly a certain band or album) since I loved throwing on some music when I did play.