
Mine is "like..."

Just an idea. As long as they keep certain areas instanced off then I would be okay with a traditional MMO style. My suggestion was just in hopes to stop things such as kill stealing. I do however, enjoy playing Skyrim by myself, but sometimes it would be nice to be able play with a friend, I'm just not sure it

Do we need an MMO or just some form of Co-op? If this is to be a true MMO, I would rather have it in the form of Guild Wars where the towns are social hubs and you don't have to deal with people outside of your party when you leave those areas.

Yeah, I guess Dragon's Dogma is not Chinese. Unfortunately, I do not.

It's possible that Dragon's Dogma may interest you.

I picked up the Zelda edition one, but this would be too good to pass up. Alas, all I really want is to be able to purchase the ambassador games.

Ratchet and Clank as the collection is coming out soon (or wait until a few weeks before it is out) followed by Darksiders.

Mafia without narrating or elimination... Which sounds really fun to me.

Different tastes for different people I guess. It actually is one of my favorite Pixar movies, and I can't say I'm the biggest Cars fan either.

Maybe he jumped you because it was commenting on something unrelated to the article? And it's just marketing for Sprint. They pay money to get their name on certain parts of the website for a certain period of time (or some other stipulation in the contract).

I would be happy with a 3DS eShop release. That, and all those ambassador games too! Still, a sequel would be amazing.

I would recommend Deadlocked if you like the short arena segments from the other games, as it is a heavily combat focused game based on those arena challenges. Not a bad game, just not as adventurous as the others, but it expands on the combat some.

Jigglypuff? All I can say is WTF?

Doing what some may consider marathon training, up to 85 miles a week around 6 min per mile pace, it's definitely not the calories I'm worried about, and you're probably right, I could eat one a day and not have to worry about it. I do however maintain a very healthy diet and prefer to stay away from sweets as much

Ice cream Snickers bars. Reesee's, Milky Way, and Twix intermingle for the next spot as it just decides what I'm in the mood for. Being a collegiate runner though, I don't get to eat many of them very often.

I usually go with a version of my first initial followed by my last name and a number, keep it simple so that friends know exactly who it is they are looking for on XBox Live or PSN.

Haha, I knew there was a reason I had hearted you! Ratchet & Clank is my all time favorite series, and all three of the PS2 games that will come in the collection are great. If you wanted to pick up Tools of Destruction you can find it for under $20. It is the series entry on the PS3 with A Crack in Time being a

I'm in the middle of playing Xenoblade and feel the same way. Taking a break and playing through Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction again since I somehow just found out that the collection had already been announced.

After seeing the gameplay video posted and seeing these guys putting this whole thing together themselves, I can't help but want to support them. Guess I can just buy it when it comes out!

I laughed the whole time. Also, some very well done segments as far as 1:1 motion goes ;)